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Create a Graphical View in SAP Datasphere

With SAP Datasphere, you can use a graphical interface to create data views. You can drag and drop sources, join them as appropriate, add other operators to transform your data, and specify measures and other aspects of your output structure in the output node.
You will learn
  • What graphical views are
  • How to create a graphical view
  • How to rename columns in your graphical view
  • How to restore columns in your graphical view
  • How to deploy a graphical view
jmmargojmmargoMarch 18, 2024
Created by
January 6, 2023

This tutorial is part of a mission, in which you try to help Best Run Bikes to to get a holistic view of their sales data by using the power of SAP Datasphere. You will get the sales data of Best Run Bikes and it is your mission to use the features of SAP Datasphere to help the bike suppliers make the best possible business decisions.

This mission consists of 8 modules that contain the necessary steps you need to follow in your mission to help Best Run Bikes:

  1. Sign up for a SAP Datasphere free tier tenant.
  2. Get to know the SAP Datasphere interface
  3. Add users and assign roles
  4. Create your Space
  5. Import your datasets
  6. Create an entity relationship model
  7. You are here -> Create a graphical view model
  8. Define measures, business semantics and preview your data

You can also follow the steps in this tutorial by watching this video. Please note that SAP Data Warehouse Cloud has evolved into SAP Datasphere. While some references may refer to SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, the content applies to SAP Datasphere.

  • Step 1

    In SAP Datasphere, you can use the graphical view builder to easily create data views. This allows you to work intuitively without having to be familiar with SQL statements.

    In the graphical view builder, you have many resources to model your data, combine them from many sources and assigning business semantics that make your output easier to understand. Here is an example of a graphical view modelled in SAP Datasphere.

    Example of Graphical View

    If you are comfortable writing SQL code or want to use SQL Script to create your view, you can use the SQL View editor.

  • Step 2
    1. Go to the Data Builder and click on the New Graphical View button.

      New Graphical View
    2. Now that you are in the graphical model builder, it’s time to find the data. As you imported CSV files, your data is under Repository, on the top right-hand side of the screen.

    3. To start building your model, click and drag the SalesOrders table onto the canvas.

      Graphical Interface
    4. As you can see, an output node appears on the canvas as soon as your drop your table in it. The output node is where all of our join table information will appear once you’ve completed the model.

    5. Click on the output node and then click on the data preview button to see a preview of the sales orders data.
      Data Preview
    6. Next, drag the table SalesOrderItems on top of the SalesOrders table to join the two tables. The icon that has appeared is our join node called Join One. The column SalesOrderID from both tables is automatically joined based on entity-relationship model.

      SalesOrderID Join
    7. Now drag in the BusinessPartners table. We’ll go ahead and join it to the SalesOrders table. The column Partner ID from each table will join automatically, but if you want to double check, look at the join properties panel.

    8. If an alert has popped up on the Join 2 node, click on the join and make sure the PartnerID column from both tables is connected.

    9. Next, join the Addresses table to your BusinessPartners table. These AddressID will automatically be mapped based on the association in the entity relationship model.

      Addresses Table

    Now you’ve joined all the tables for this mission.

  • Step 3

    With the graphical view in place, rename some columns to help others understand better what the data is about. Rename the Grossamount column from the SalesOrders table and from the SalesOrderItems table so you can tell them apart.

    1. To do this, click on the projection one node immediately on the right-side of the output node.

      Projection Node
    2. Search for the GrossAmount column in the projection properties panel.

      Search for Column
    3. If one of the columns is greyed out, this means the column has been automatically removed. Click on the dots next to it and select Restore column.

      Restore Column
    4. Next, click on the column name. On the canvas, you will see a highlight that shows you exactly where the column originates from.

    5. Rename the GrossAmount column originating from the SalesOrderItems table to GrossAmount_items.

      Rename Column
    6. Then rename the GrossAmount column originating from the SalesOrders table to GrossAmount_orders.

      Renamed Columns
  • Step 4

    You have successfully created your graphical view. It is now extremely important to first save, and then deploy your view. When you save an object, it is stored in the SAP Datasphere repository, which contains the design-time definitions of all your objects. When you deploy an object, you are creating a run-time version for use in the SAP Datasphere database.

    Click on the save icon on the top left and give your graphical view an appropriate name.


    Once done, click on the deploy icon next to the save icon to deploy your model.


    How can you see a data preview of your created Graphical View?

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