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xP&A Operational Workforce Planning - Add a new Cost Type

This tutorial provides information about how to add a new Cost Type
You will learn
  • The meaning of the term Cost Type in the context of the xP&A - Operational Workforce Planning content package for SAP Analytics Cloud
  • Which steps are required in order to add a new Cost Type
  • This includes…
    -modifying dimensions in the data model
    -adjusting scripts in the planning applications
    -adjusting all affected Data Actions
RudolfLindt93Rudolf LindtAugust 7, 2024
Created by
November 2, 2022


In this tutorial you will learn how to add a new Cost Type to the application.

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  • Step 1

    In the scope of the Operational Workforce Planning Content Package for SAP Analytics Cloud, the term Cost Type is used to categorize a cost-related measure and describe it in more detail. By combining the information of both the measure and the cost type dimension, an account model is created and the planner can analyze the specific sources of incurred costs.

    For instance: the content comes with a pre-defined measure which is called Rate_Absolute. This measure represents an absolute monthly rate for one headcount (HC). Such an absolute rate can be used to plan travel costs for example. In order to do so, you can simply use the measure Rate_Absolute and make your planning assumptions on the cost type TRAVEL_COSTS.

    In the following exercise, you will learn how to add a new cost type which enables you to plan costs for training activities.

  • Step 2

    In the first step, it is necessary to add a new member to the SAP_HR_COSTTYPE dimension.

    1. In the SAP Analytics Cloud Menu, navigate to the Files section..

    2. Search for the SAP__HR_BPL_IM_WORKFORCE data model and open it.

    3. Open the dimension SAP_HR_COSTTYPE.

    4. Add a new member with the respective attributes to the cost type dimension.

      In this example, the cost type TRAINING_COSTS representing training-related costs per headcount is added.

      • Use TRAINING_COSTS as your Member ID.
      • Provide a valid description to the new cost type. For instance, you can describe the new member as Costs for Training Activities.
      • Assign the new member TRAINING_COSTS to the respective hierarchy node. In this example, the HC_COSTS hierarchy node is selected.
      • Optionally, provide a GL_Account number to the new member TRAINING_COSTS in the GL_Account column. This is required in case you wish to have your planning results transferred to the Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud data model. If this attribute is not maintained, a cross model copy for this specific member cannot be performed.
      Column Value Comment
      Member ID TRAINING_COSTS Mandatory ID field
      Description Costs for Training Activities Description of the new cost type member
      Hierarchy HC_COSTS Mandatory field. Indicates under which hierarchy node the member will be displayed.
      GL_Account Optional field. Shows to which GL account member the cost type will translate in a cross model copy scenario.
      Row_Source SAC Optional field. Shows, whether this cost type comes from SuccessFactors or whether it was manually added in SAP Analytics Cloud.
    5. Save your changes.

  • Step 3

    In the next step, a new calculated measure must be added.

    This is necessary not only for the correct initialization of the tables used in the different planning applications of this content package, but also to make your planning assumptions on the correct combination of members of the measure version and cost type version.

    In this example, you will create a new calculated measure called CM_TrainingCosts which restricts the measure Rate_Absolute to the cost type TRAINING_COSTS.

    1. Navigate to the Calculation Management menu by switching the Workspace on the top left corner via the drop down menu.

    2. Click on the plus UI element in order to add a new calculated measure

    3. Provide the formula for the new calculated measure. In this example, you may use the following formula in order to restrict the Rate_Absolute measure to the TRAINING_COSTS cost type:

      RESTRICT ([Rate_Absolute], [d/SAP_HR_COSTTYPE] = "TRAINING_COSTS" )
    4. Provide a valid name for your calculated measure. In this example, you want to call it CM_TrainingCosts.

    5. Set the aggregation type to SUM.

    6. Set the scale to Thousand.

    7. Set the amount of decimal places to 2.

    8. Save your changes.



    • If you plan your new cost type to be an absolute rate which adds up to the personnel costs, please use the measure Rate_Absolute in your RESTRICT formula. In this case, always set the aggregation type to SUM, scale to Thousand and decimal places to 2 on the right hand menu in order to be consistent with the other measures.
    • If you plan your new cost type to be a percentage rate which applies to the base salary, please use the measure Rate_Percentage in your RESTRICT formula. In this case, leave the aggregation type blank, set the scale to Percent and Decimal Places to 1.
  • Step 4

    In the next step, the Central Assumptions (SAP_HR_BPL_IM_WFP_CENTRAL_ASSUMPTIONS) story must be modified in order for the table to initialize correctly.

    1. Navigate through the file explorer and open the planning application SAP__HR_BPL_IM_WFP_CENTRAL_ASSUMPTIONS in edit mode.

    2. Open the script object configureTablesDynamic while in edit mode of the application.

    3. Search for the line with the comment //Set Filters for Internal Mode. Add your new calculated measure to the predefined array by complementing it with the keyword CM_TrainingCosts as shown in the following screenshot.

      switch (inputMode) {
      	case "Internal":
      		//Set Filters for Internal Mode
    4. Save your planning application.

  • Step 5

    Additionally, it is necessary to complement the Data Actions with a new calculation logic for the newly created cost type.

    By doing this, you will ensure that whenever a cost calculation takes place, costs for the new cost type will be calculated as well. Such calculations occur in the process of the seeding of the plan versions for instance, or when making your planning assumptions (i.e. changing headcount values) and re-calculating your total costs.

    1. In the SAP Analytics Cloud menu, navigate to the Data Actions folder inside the SAP_HR_OWFP_Operational_Workforce_Planning content folder.

    2. Open the SAP__HR_BPL_IM_CALCULATE_COSTS Data Action.


      • This Data Action is responsible for the (re-)calculation of your costs in the aggregated planning scenario. Whenever you change your planning assumptions (i.e. headcount values) in your planning application, you can run a cost calculation which takes into consideration your new entries.
    3. Scroll down until you find the code block //Initialize CAR Costs for Internal Workforce

    4. Copy the whole code block as indicated in the following snapshot and paste it right below

    5. Adjust the pasted code block according to the new cost type properties

      • Change the naming in the commented header line from CAR COSTS to TRAINING COSTS
      • Change the RESULTLOOKUP and DATA member for the dimension SAP_HR_COSTTYPE from CAR_COSTS to TRAINING_COSTS


      • Depending on whether you created the new calculated measure based on Rate_Absolute or Rate_Percentage, you can use any other calculation block as template for the new cost type.
      • If for instance you created a calculated measure based on the measure Rate_Absolute, you may simply copy the block //Initialize CAR Costs for Internal Workforce
      • If you created a calculated measure based on the measure Rate_Percentageon the other hand, you may simply copy the block //Initialize BONUS Costs for Internal Workforce
    6. Save your changes.

    7. Navigate back to the Data Action menu and open the SAP__HR_BPL_IM_CALCULATE_COSTS_DETAILED Data Action.


      • This Data Action is responsible for the (re-)calculation of your costs in the detailed planning scenario. Whenever you change your planning assumptions (i.e. FTE values) in your planning application, you can run a cost calculation which takes into consideration your new entries.
    8. Repeat the same activity as described in steps 4 and 5.

      • Use any fitting code block as template, copy and paste it, adjust the header comment above the code block and change the cost type in the RESULTLOOKUP and DATA statement to the new cost type.

    9. Save your changes.

    10. Navigate back to the Data Action menu and open the SAP__HR_BPL_IM_INITIALIZE_PLAN_WITH_AGGREGATION Data Action.


      • This Data Action is responsible for the calculation of your costs in the aggregated planning scenario. It comes into action in case you decide to pre-populate your plan version based on historical values.
    11. Open step 5 Initialize Cost Types excluding Merit of the Data Action and repeat the same activity as described in steps 4 and 5.

      • Use any fitting code block as template, copy and paste it, adjust the header comment above the code block and change the cost type in the RESULTLOOKUP and DATA statement to the new cost type.

    12. Save your changes.

    13. Navigate back to the Data Action menu and open the SAP__HR_BPL_IM_INITIALIZE_PLAN_WITHOUT_AGGREGATION Data Action.


      • This Data Action is responsible for the calculation of your costs in the detailed planning scenario. It comes into action in case you decide to pre-populate your plan version based on historical values.
    14. Open step 4 Initialize Cost Types excluding Merit of the Data Action and repeat the same activity as described in steps 4 and 5.

      • Use any fitting code block as template, copy and paste it, adjust the header comment above the code block and change the cost type in the RESULTLOOKUP and DATA statement to the new cost type.

    15. Save your changes.

  • Step 6

    Lastly you need to maintain Central Assumptions for the new cost type TRAINING_COSTS.

    Here you can access the tutorial xP&A Operational Workforce Planning - Create and Upload Central Assumptions in order to learn what Central Assumptions are for, how to upload them and how maintain these cost parameters.

  • Step 7

    Congratulations! You have now successfully created a new cost type and embedded it into the stories and Data Actions.

    If you want to learn more about the SAP xP&A Operational Workforce Planning content package, customize the content and adjust it according to your own business requirements, the following resources might be helpful:

    If you want to get an overview of the entire xP&A Operational Workforce Planning content package, make sure to check out the Mission.

    Interested in more xP&A topics and related business content packages? Visit our community page Extended Planning & Analysis Business Content.

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