Create an SAP Fiori app for a RAP business object from SAP BTP, ABAP Environment in SAP Business Application Studio and deploy it to SAP BTP, ABAP Environment.
Trial: You need an SAP BTP, ABAP environment trial user or a license.
Licensed system:
The business catalog SAP_A4C_BC_DEV_UID_PC (Development - UI Deployment) needs to be assigned to a business role of the developer user. For an existing ABAP systems, the business catalog needs to be added manually to the existing developer business role.
You need to be a member at the used global account
You need to be an organization manager at the used Cloud Foundry subaccount
You need to be a security administrator at the used Cloud Foundry Subaccount
Select your main entity Travel, check Yes for adding automatically table columns and click Next >.
Configure project attributes:
Name: ZRAP100_###
Title: Travel App ###
Description: A Fiori application.
Add deployment configuration: Yes
Add FLP configuration: Yes
Configure advanced options: No
Click Next >.
Hint: Your application name must begin with a z letter and must be in lowercase letters.
Configure deployment:
Target: ABAP
Destination: <your_abap_trial_system>
SAP UI5 ABAP Repository: ZRAP100_###
Package: ZRAP100_###
Transport Request: <your_transport_request>
Click Next >.
Hint: If you want to copy your transport request, please do following: Open Eclipse, search your package ZRAP100_### and open it. Open your transport organizer to see your transport request. The transport request of the superior folder needs to be chosen. Copy your transport request for later use. You can find your transport request underneath the Modifiable folder.
Configure Fiori Launchpad:
Semantic Object: ZRAP100_###
Action: display
Title: Travel App ###
Click Finish.
Now all files have been generated.
Step 6
On the Application Information overview page select Preview Application.
>**Hint.** You can open the Application Information through the menu > View > Command Palette > search and select Application Information.
Select the first entry.
You browser opens. Click Go and check your result.
Step 7
On the Application Information overview page select Deploy Application.
When prompted, check deployment configuration and press y.
When the deployment is successful, you will get these two information back as a result: UIAD details and deployment successful.
Step 8
Open Eclipse and check the BSP library and SAP Fiori Launchpad app descriptor item folder in your package ZRAP100_###. If you are not able to see BSP applications and SAP Fiori Launchpad app description items, refresh your package ZRAP100_### by pressing F5.
Step 9
In Eclipse right-click your package ZRAP100_### and select New > Other Repository Object.
Search for IAM App, select it and click Next >.
Create a new IAM App:
Description: IAM App for travel app
Click Next >.
Click Finish.
Select Services and add a new one.
Select following:
Service Type: OData V4
Service Name: ZRAP100_UI_TRAVEL_O4_###
Hint: With CTRL + Space you can search for your Service.
Click OK.
Save and activate your IAM app.
Step 10
Right-click your package ZRAP100_### and select New > Other Repository Object.
Search for Business Catalog, select it and click Next >.
Create a new business catalog:
Name: ZTRAVEL_BC_###
Description: Business catalog for travel app
Click Next >.
Click Finish.
Select Apps and add a new one.
Create a new business catalog:
Name: ZTRAVEL_BC_###_0001
Description: Business Catalog to IAM App assignment
Click Next >.
Click Finish.
Click Publish Locally to publish your business catalog.
Step 11
On the Application Information overview page select Deploy Application.
When prompted, check deployment configuration and press y.
Press CTRL and click the following link to open the URL in a browser.
Log in to your system.
Click Go and check your result.
Step 12
Where do you enter your API endpoint of your subaccount?