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Create an ABAP Cloud Project

Create an ABAP cloud project with SAP BTP ABAP environment.
You will learn
  • How to create an ABAP Cloud project
mervey45Merve TemelOctober 30, 2023
Created by
October 30, 2023


  • Step 1

    Open Eclipse. Make sure you have installed ADT in your Eclipse. Find here the Eclipse installation instruction.

    Create service definition
  • Step 2
    1. Select File > New > Other > ABAP Cloud Project and click Next >.

      Create ABAP cloud project
    2. Select SAP BTP ABAP Environment > Use a Service Key and click Next >.

      Create ABAP cloud project

      Hint: You have downloaded the service key in Create an SAP BTP ABAP Environment Trial User.

    3. Import your service key and click Next >.

      Create ABAP cloud project
    4. Click Open Logon Page in Browser.

      Create ABAP cloud project

      Hint: If you are already logged on in the default browser with a user which you do not want to use for this project, then use the Copy Logon URL to Clipboard option and paste the URL in a browser started in private or incognito mode or a non defaulted browser.

    5. Now you’ve been authenticated automatically. Provide your credentials if requested. The credentials are the same you used to create your trial account on SAP BTP.

      Go back to ADT.

      Create ABAP cloud project

      Click Finish.

    6. Your trial system appears on the project explorer.

      Create ABAP cloud project
  • Step 3

    Which project do you select?

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