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Create a Tenant Database

Learn how to complete common tasks when setting up a new database. In this tutorial, you will create a tenant database using either HANA cockpit or an SQL command line.
You will learn
  • How to create a tenant database using either HANA Cockpit or an SQL command line


When creating a tenant database, expect your system to use more memory. Ensure your system has enough memory to run an additional database.

  • Step 1

    This option requires a SAP HANA, express edition Server + Applications installation.

    1. Open SAP HANA Cockpit and log in using XSA_ADMIN.

    2. Open your system database in the Resource Directory window.

    3. Under Tenant Monitoring and Administration, click System Running in the Overall Tenant Statuses tab to open the Manage Databases page.

      Overall Tenant Statuses
    4. On the bottom right of the page, click then Create Tenant Database.

      Manage Databases Page
    5. Give your tenant database a name and its SYSTEM user a secure password.

      Click Create Tenant Database when you are done.

      Create Tenant Database

      A message will display that you have successfully created a new tenant database.

      Successfully Created Tenant Database
  • Step 2

    Using SAP HANA studio or another connected SQL console, execute the following command to create a tenant database:

    CREATE DATABASE <database_name> SYSTEM USER PASSWORD <SYSTEM_user_password>



    This creates the tenant database “TENANTDB” with the SYSTEM user password “Password1”.

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