Add Transactional Behavior to Your Core Data Services
- How to define a behavior implementation
- You need an SAP BTP, ABAP Environment trial user or a license.
- Business Catalog
assigned to your business user - Initial development setup
In this tutorial, wherever XXX
appears, use a number (e.g. 000
For the unmanaged implementation type, the application developer must implement essential components of the REST contract manually. For the managed scenario, all required standard operations (create, update, delete) must only be specified in the behavior definition to obtain a ready-to-run business object.
- Step 1
Go to your ABAP package
and open your data definitionZI_BOOKING_XXX
to add following statement:
.The root entity is of particular importance, since it defines the top node in a business object’s structure and serves as a representation of the business object.
Save and activate.
- Step 2
Right-click on your data definition
and select New Behavior Definition. -
Provide a description, make sure, that your implementation type is unmanaged and click Next >.
Click Finish to complete your transport request.
Check result. An empty behavior definition for unmanaged implementation is created.
- Step 3
- Provide an alias (
) and specify the lock master. Define the table fieldLastChangedAt
for theETag
handling. Replace the following coding:ABAPCopyunmanaged implementation in class zbp_i_booking_xxx unique; //strict; //Comment this line in to enable strict mode. The strict mode is prerequisite to be future proof regarding syntax and to be able to release your BO. define behavior for ZI_BOOKING_XXX alias booking //late numbering lock master authorization master ( instance ) etag master LastChangedAt { create; update; delete; }
- Save and activate.
- Provide an alias (
- Step 4
In your behavior definition
, set the cursor beforez_i_booking_xxx
and press CTRL + 1. SelectCreate behavior implementation class z_i_booking_xxx
. -
Provide a description and click Next.
Provide a transport request if required and click Finish.
- Step 5
In your implementation class
, replace your code in local types with following:ABAPCopyCLASS lhc_buffer DEFINITION. * 1) define the data buffer PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_buffer. INCLUDE TYPE ztbooking_xxx AS data. TYPES: flag TYPE c LENGTH 1, END OF ty_buffer. TYPES tt_bookings TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_buffer WITH UNIQUE KEY booking. CLASS-DATA mt_buffer TYPE tt_bookings. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_handler DEFINITION final INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_handler. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS modify FOR BEHAVIOR IMPORTING roots_to_create FOR CREATE booking roots_to_update FOR UPDATE booking roots_to_delete FOR DELETE booking. METHODS read FOR BEHAVIOR IMPORTING it_booking_key FOR READ booking RESULT et_booking. METHODS lock FOR BEHAVIOR IMPORTING it_booking_key FOR LOCK booking. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_handler implementation. METHOD modify. " %cid = control field LOOP AT roots_to_delete INTO DATA(ls_delete). IF ls_delete-booking IS INITIAL. ls_delete-booking = mapped-booking[ %cid = ls_delete-%cid_ref ]-booking. ENDIF. READ TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WITH KEY booking = ls_delete-booking ASSIGNING field-symbol(<ls_buffer>). IF sy-subrc = 0. IF <ls_buffer>-flag = 'C'. DELETE TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WITH TABLE KEY booking = ls_delete-booking. ELSE. <ls_buffer>-flag = 'D'. ENDIF. ELSE. INSERT VALUE #( flag = 'D' booking = ls_delete-booking ) INTO TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " handle create IF roots_to_create IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE MAX( booking ) FROM ztbooking_xxx INTO @DATA(lv_max_booking). ENDIF. LOOP AT roots_to_create INTO DATA(ls_create). ADD 1 TO lv_max_booking. ls_create-%data-booking = lv_max_booking. GET TIME STAMP FIELD DATA(zv_tsl). ls_create-%data-lastchangedat = zv_tsl. INSERT VALUE #( flag = 'C' data = CORRESPONDING #( ls_create-%data ) ) INTO TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer. IF ls_create-%cid IS NOT INITIAL. INSERT VALUE #( %cid = ls_create-%cid booking = ls_create-booking ) INTO TABLE mapped-booking. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " handle update IF roots_to_update IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT roots_to_update INTO DATA(ls_update). IF ls_update-booking IS INITIAL. ls_update-booking = mapped-booking[ %cid = ls_update-%cid_ref ]-booking. ENDIF. READ TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WITH KEY booking = ls_update-booking ASSIGNING <ls_buffer>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM ztbooking_xxx WHERE booking = @ls_update-booking INTO @DATA(ls_db). INSERT VALUE #( flag = 'U' data = ls_db ) INTO TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer ASSIGNING <ls_buffer>. ENDIF. IF ls_update-%control-customername IS NOT INITIAL.. <ls_buffer>-customername = ls_update-customername. ENDIF. IF ls_update-%control-cost IS NOT INITIAL.. <ls_buffer>-cost = ls_update-cost. ENDIF. IF ls_update-%control-dateoftravel IS NOT INITIAL.. <ls_buffer>-dateoftravel = ls_update-dateoftravel . ENDIF. IF ls_update-%control-currencycode IS NOT INITIAL.. <ls_buffer>-currencycode = ls_update-currencycode. ENDIF. GET TIME STAMP FIELD DATA(zv_tsl2). <ls_buffer>-lastchangedat = zv_tsl2. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read. LOOP AT it_booking_key INTO DATA(ls_booking_key). " check if it is in buffer (and not deleted). READ TABLE lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WITH KEY booking = ls_booking_key-booking INTO DATA(ls_booking). IF sy-subrc = 0 AND ls_booking-flag <> 'U'. INSERT CORRESPONDING #( ls_booking-data ) INTO TABLE et_booking. ELSE. SELECT SINGLE * FROM ztbooking_xxx WHERE booking = @ls_booking_key-booking INTO @DATA(ls_db). IF sy-subrc = 0. INSERT CORRESPONDING #( ls_db ) INTO TABLE et_booking. ELSE. INSERT VALUE #( booking = ls_booking_key-booking ) INTO TABLE failed-booking. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD lock. "provide the appropriate lock handling if required ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_saver DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_saver. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS finalize REDEFINITION. METHODS check_before_save REDEFINITION. METHODS save REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_saver IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD save. DATA lt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ztbooking_xxx. lt_data = VALUE #( FOR row IN lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WHERE ( flag = 'C' ) ( row-data ) ). IF lt_data IS NOT INITIAL. INSERT ztbooking_xxx FROM TABLE @lt_data. ENDIF. lt_data = VALUE #( FOR row IN lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WHERE ( flag = 'U' ) ( row-data ) ). IF lt_data IS NOT INITIAL. UPDATE ztbooking_xxx FROM TABLE @lt_data. ENDIF. lt_data = VALUE #( FOR row IN lhc_buffer=>mt_buffer WHERE ( flag = 'D' ) ( row-data ) ). IF lt_data IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE ztbooking_xxx FROM TABLE @lt_data. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD finalize. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_before_save. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
Save and activate.
Go back to your service binding
and open the preview for SAP Fiori elements app on the right side. -
Refresh and test your application in the browser. Now you are able to delete, add and edit objects in your application.
- Step 6
Where do you implement your class?