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Create a Simple Database Table for ABAP Environment

Create a database table in SAP BTP, ABAP Environment and pre-fill it with data.
You will learn
  • How to create a database table
  • How to prefill your database table with data
mervey45Merve TemelNovember 30, 2022
Created by
September 3, 2018


  • You need an SAP BTP, ABAP environment trial user or license.

In this tutorial, wherever XXX appears, use a number (e.g. 000).

  • Step 1

    Open Eclipse, and select New > ABAP Package.

    Open Eclipse
  • Step 2
    1. Maintain following information in the appearing dialog and click Next.

      • Name: Z_Booking_XXX
      • Description: Package Booking
      Create ABAP package
    2. Move on with Next.

      Create ABAP package
    3. Select transport request and click Finish.

      Create ABAP package
  • Step 3

    Right-click on your package and navigate to New > Other ABAP Repository Object from the appearing context menu.

    Open ABAP repository object
  • Step 4
    1. Search for database table, select the appropriate entry and click Next.
      Create database table
    2. Maintain the required information and click Next.
      • Name: ZTBOOKING_XXX
      • Description: Table Booking
      Create database table
    3. On the next dialog, provide a transport request and click Finish.

      Create database table
    4. Check result. An empty table is now created.

      Check code
  • Step 5
    1. Define the table columns (client, booking, customername, numberofpassengers, …). Specify client and booking as key fields, and the field currencycode as currency key for cost as displayed below. The table annotations (beginning with @) remain unchanged. For that, you can copy the database table definition provided below.

      @EndUserText.label : 'Demo: Booking Data'
      @AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #NOT_EXTENSIBLE
      @AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
      @AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A
      @AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #LIMITED
      define table ztbooking_xxx {
      key client         : abap.clnt not null;
      key booking        : abap.int4 not null;
      customername       : abap.char(50);
      numberofpassengers : abap.int2;
      emailaddress       : abap.char(50);
      country            : abap.char(50);
      dateofbooking      : timestampl;
      dateoftravel       : timestampl;
      @Semantics.amount.currencyCode : 'ztbooking_xxx.currencycode'
      cost               : abap.curr(15,2);
      currencycode       : abap.cuky;
      lastchangedat      : timestampl;
    2. Save and activate the database table.

      Define database table
  • Step 6
    1. Create a class in order to prefill our created database table. Right-click on your package and navigate to New > ABAP Class in the appearing context menu.

      Create ABAP class
    2. Provide the required information and click Next.

      • Description: Class to generate bookings
      Create ABAP class
    3. Provide a transport request and click Finish.

      Create ABAP class
  • Step 7
    1. Replace the source code of your class with the one provided below:

      CLASS zbp_generate_bookings_xxx DEFINITION
          INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
      CLASS zbp_generate_bookings_xxx IMPLEMENTATION.
        METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
          DATA:it_bookings TYPE TABLE OF ztbooking_xxx.
      *    read current timestamp
          GET TIME STAMP FIELD DATA(zv_tsl).
      *   fill internal table (itab)
          it_bookings = VALUE #(
              ( booking  = '1' customername = 'Buchholm' numberofpassengers = '3' emailaddress = ''
                country = 'Germany' dateofbooking ='20180213125959' dateoftravel ='20180213125959' cost = '546' currencycode = 'EUR' lastchangedat = zv_tsl )
              ( booking  = '2' customername = 'Jeremias' numberofpassengers = '1' emailaddress = ''
                country = 'USA' dateofbooking ='20180313125959' dateoftravel ='20180313125959' cost = '1373' currencycode = 'USD' lastchangedat = zv_tsl )
      *   Delete the possible entries in the database table - in case it was already filled
          DELETE FROM ztbooking_xxx.
      *   insert the new table entries
          INSERT ztbooking_xxx FROM TABLE @it_bookings.
      *   check the result
          SELECT * FROM ztbooking_xxx INTO TABLE @it_bookings.
          out->write( sy-dbcnt ).
          out->write( 'data inserted successfully!' ).
    2. Save and active your class.

      Replace source code
  • Step 8
    1. Run your class as an ABAP application (console) or press F9.

      Run ABAP application
    2. Check console output.

      Check console output
    3. Switch back to your data definition and press F8 to see the inserted data.

      Check inserted data
    4. Now check your result.

      Check inserted data
  • Step 9

    Where can you find database tables?

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