Create Behavior and Service in SAP BTP, ABAP Environment
- How to create a behavior definition
- How to create a behavior implementation
- How to create a service definition
- How to create a service binding
- How to test a service
- You need an SAP BTP, ABAP environment trial user.
- ADT version 2.96 or higher
In this tutorial, wherever XXX
appears, use a number (e.g. 000
- Step 1
Right-click on
(data definition) and select New Behavior Definition. -
Create your behavior definition:
- Name:
- Description:
Behavior for Z_I_ROOM_XXX
- Root Entity:
Click Next>.
- Name:
Click Finish.
Create your behavior definition with following coding:
ABAPCopyunmanaged implementation in class Z_I_ROOM_BEHAVE_XXX unique; define behavior for Z_I_ROOM_XXX alias room lock master etag master lastchangeddatetime { create; update; delete; field (mandatory) id; field (readonly) lastchangedbyuser, lastchangeddatetime; }
Save and activate.
- Step 2
In your behavior definition
set the cursor before the implementation classZ_I_ROOM_BEHAVE_XXX
and clickCTRL
+ 1. Double-click on Create behavior implementation classZ_I_ROOM_BEHAVE_XXX
to create your implementation class. -
Create your behavior implementation:
- Name:
- Description:
Behavior implementation for Z_I_ROOM_XXX
- Behavior Definition:
Click Next>.
- Name:
Click Finish.
Create your behavior implementation with following coding:
ABAPCopyCLASS lcl_handler DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_handler. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-DATA: mt_root_to_create TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zroom_xxx WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, mt_root_to_update TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zroom_xxx WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, mt_root_to_delete TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zroom_xxx WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: ty_action(2) TYPE c, tt_message TYPE TABLE OF symsg, tt_room_failed TYPE TABLE FOR FAILED z_i_room_xxx, tt_room_reported TYPE TABLE FOR REPORTED z_i_room_xxx. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF cs_action, create TYPE ty_action VALUE '01', update TYPE ty_action VALUE '02', delete TYPE ty_action VALUE '03', END OF cs_action. METHODS: create FOR MODIFY IMPORTING roots_to_create FOR CREATE room, update FOR MODIFY IMPORTING roots_to_update FOR UPDATE room, delete FOR MODIFY IMPORTING roots_to_delete FOR DELETE room, lock FOR BEHAVIOR IMPORTING roots_to_lock FOR LOCK room, read FOR BEHAVIOR IMPORTING roots_to_read FOR READ room RESULT et_room, validate IMPORTING iv_action TYPE ty_action is_room TYPE zroom_xxx RETURNING VALUE(rv_message) TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_handler IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD create. LOOP AT roots_to_create INTO DATA(ls_root_to_create). DATA(lv_message) = validate( iv_action = cs_action-create is_room = CORRESPONDING zroom_xxx( ls_root_to_create ) ). IF lv_message IS INITIAL. ls_root_to_create-lastchangedbyuser = sy-uname. GET TIME STAMP FIELD ls_root_to_create-lastchangeddatetime. INSERT CORRESPONDING #( ls_root_to_create ) INTO TABLE mapped-room. INSERT CORRESPONDING #( ls_root_to_create ) INTO TABLE mt_root_to_create. ELSE. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_create-%cid id = ls_root_to_create-id %fail = VALUE #( cause = if_abap_behv=>cause-unspecific ) ) TO failed-room. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_create-%cid id = ls_root_to_create-id %msg = new_message_with_text( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error text = lv_message ) ) TO reported-room. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update. LOOP AT roots_to_update INTO DATA(ls_root_to_update). SELECT SINGLE FROM zroom_xxx FIELDS * WHERE id = @ls_root_to_update-id INTO @DATA(ls_room). DATA(lt_control_components) = VALUE string_table( ( `id` ) ( `seats` ) ( `location` ) ( `hasbeamer` ) ( `hasvideo` ) ( `userrating` ) ( `lastchangedbydatetime` ) ( `lastchangedbyuser` ) ). LOOP AT lt_control_components INTO DATA(lv_component_name). ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_component_name OF STRUCTURE ls_root_to_update-%control TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_control_value>). CHECK <lv_control_value> = cl_abap_behavior_handler=>flag_changed. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_component_name OF STRUCTURE ls_root_to_update TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_new_value>). ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_component_name OF STRUCTURE ls_room TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_old_value>). <lv_old_value> = <lv_new_value>. ENDLOOP. DATA(lv_message) = validate( iv_action = cs_action-update is_room = ls_room ). IF lv_message IS INITIAL. ls_root_to_update-lastchangedbyuser = sy-uname. GET TIME STAMP FIELD ls_root_to_update-lastchangeddatetime. INSERT ls_room INTO TABLE mt_root_to_update. ELSE. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_update-%cid_ref id = ls_root_to_update-id %fail = VALUE #( cause = if_abap_behv=>cause-unspecific ) ) TO failed-room. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_update-%cid_ref id = ls_root_to_update-id %msg = new_message_with_text( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error text = lv_message ) ) TO reported-room. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete. LOOP AT roots_to_delete INTO DATA(ls_root_to_delete). SELECT SINGLE FROM zroom_xxx FIELDS * WHERE id = @ls_root_to_delete-id INTO @DATA(ls_room). DATA(lv_message) = validate( iv_action = cs_action-delete is_room = ls_room ). IF lv_message IS INITIAL. INSERT CORRESPONDING #( ls_root_to_delete ) INTO TABLE mt_root_to_delete. ELSE. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_delete-%cid_ref id = ls_root_to_delete-id %fail = VALUE #( cause = if_abap_behv=>cause-unspecific ) ) TO failed-room. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = ls_root_to_delete-%cid_ref id = ls_root_to_delete-id %msg = new_message_with_text( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error text = lv_message ) ) TO reported-room. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD lock. LOOP AT roots_to_lock INTO DATA(ls_root_to_lock). TRY. cl_abap_lock_object_factory=>get_instance( iv_name = 'EZROOMXXX')->enqueue( it_table_mode = VALUE if_abap_lock_object=>tt_table_mode( ( table_name = 'ZROOM_XXX' ) ) it_parameter = VALUE if_abap_lock_object=>tt_parameter( ( name = 'ID' value = REF #( ls_root_to_lock-id ) ) ) ). CATCH cx_abap_foreign_lock INTO DATA(lx_lock). APPEND VALUE #( id = ls_root_to_lock-id %fail = VALUE #( cause = if_abap_behv=>cause-locked ) ) TO failed-room. APPEND VALUE #( id = ls_root_to_lock-id %msg = new_message_with_text( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error text = lx_lock->get_text( ) ) ) TO reported-room. CATCH cx_abap_lock_failure. ASSERT 1 = 0. ENDTRY. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read. LOOP AT roots_to_read INTO DATA(ls_root_to_read). SELECT SINGLE FROM z_i_room_xxx FIELDS * WHERE id = @ls_root_to_read-id INTO @DATA(ls_room). INSERT ls_room INTO TABLE et_room. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD validate. "Add method from Tutorial: Create authorization in SAP BTP, ABAP environment (Step 4) ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_saver DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_saver. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS finalize REDEFINITION. METHODS check_before_save REDEFINITION. METHODS save REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_saver IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD finalize. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_before_save. ENDMETHOD. METHOD save. INSERT zroom_xxx FROM TABLE @lcl_handler=>mt_root_to_create. UPDATE zroom_xxx FROM TABLE @lcl_handler=>mt_root_to_update. DELETE zroom_xxx FROM TABLE @lcl_handler=>mt_root_to_delete. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
Save and activate.
- Step 3
Right-click on data definition
and select New Service Definition. -
Create your service definition:
- Name:
- Description:
Click Next>.
- Name:
Click Finish.
Edit your service definition:
ABAPCopy@EndUserText.label: 'Room' define service Z_I_ROOM_SRV_XXX { expose Z_I_ROOM_XXX as Room; }
Save and activate.
- Step 4
Right-click on
and select New Service Binding. -
Create your service binding:
- Name:
- Description:
- Binding Type:
- Service Definition:
Click Next>.
- Name:
Click Finish.
Click Activate to activate your service binding.
- Step 5
Click on Service URL to open your service.
Logon with your developer user.
Check your metadata.
- Step 6
Right-click on
(Entity Set and Association) and select Open Fiori Elements App Preview. -
Logon with your developer user.
Check your result.
- Step 7
Where can you open the Fiori Elements Preview?