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Import Tables and Large Datasets (XS Advanced)

Import SHINE sample tables and data using SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA.
You will learn

This tutorial will guide you through the process of downloading sample data and database artifacts and importing it into SAP HANA using SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA.

jung-thomasThomas JungJanuary 5, 2021
Created by
April 19, 2017


  • This tutorial is designed for SAP HANA on premise and SAP HANA, express edition. It is not designed for SAP HANA Cloud.
  • Tutorials: Create an HDI Module

If you are looking to import the entire SAP HANA INteractive Education model for XS Advanced, follow this tutorial instead:

  • Step 1

    Download the file from our public GitHub repository.

  • Step 2

    Import the archive into the data folder. This will probably be src\data. Right-click on the folder and choose Import->From File System:

    Import from file system

    Browse for the downloaded file, keep the Extract archive flag and click on OK.

    Import from file system

    Confirm that files with the same name will be overwritten

  • Step 3

    Delete the files header.csv, item.csv and load.hdbtabledata (if available) to avoid conflicts during build:


    Also delete PurchaseOrder.hdbtable and PurchaseOrderItem.hdbtable (if available).


    Also delete the SFlight folder (if available).


    Build the db module:

  • Step 4

    The Database Explorer allows you to see the database artifacts you create in the different HDI containers.

    Right-click on the database module and choose Open HDI Container

    Check tables

    Note: If you do not find this option, use the middle icon on the left sidebar or from the menu, Tools-Database Explorer:
    Use the + icon to add a database container into the Explorer.


    Locate your HDI container and add it. You will find it as a concatenation of your user ID and the name of your project.

    You can now navigate the tables and check their content. Click on Open Data for table TCURC


    How many rows does the table TCURC have?

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