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Set Up Your Local Infrastructure to Develop with SAP Cloud SDK

Set up your system to create an SAP Business Technology Platform application with the SAP Cloud SDK.
You will learn

In this tutorial, you will go through the steps required to install the SDK and corresponding tools to use it for the development of your SAP Business Technology Platform application.

For a complete overview, visit the SAP Cloud SDK documentation.

  • Step 1

    To develop with the SAP Cloud SDK for Java you will need to have two things installed:

    • Java 17
    • Maven 3.9+

    If you have the required software installed already you can skip this step. You can check your the versions of your installations via the commands listed at the end of this step.

    Note: Java 17 is only available on SAP Business Technology Platform: Cloud Foundry

    To validate that everything is installed correctly you can use the following commands:

    javac -version
    mvn -version
  • Step 2

    To develop your first ‘Hello World’ application with SAP Cloud SDK, you can just use your command line and a simple text editor. However, for larger development projects you can work with the IDE of your choice.

    We recommend using Intellij IDEA or Eclipse. Follow the installation instructions of corresponding tools to prepare your IDE. In case you use Eclipse, make sure to install the Maven plugin for Eclipse.

  • Step 3

    Some of the steps in the upcoming tutorial blogs will fail if you sit behind a corporate proxy. If you cannot escape the proxy, you need to tell Maven where your proxy is located.
    To do this, you need to cd to your ~/.m2 directory (e.g. on Windows: C:/Users/<username>/.m2"") and create a file called settings.xml. Then you paste the following content:

    <settings xmlns=""

    After finishing these steps, you are ready to start the development of your SAP Business Technology Platform applications with SAP Cloud SDK. If you are interested to learn more, stay tuned for the upcoming development topics that we will cover in the following tutorials: available project templates in the SDK, setting up the communication with SAP S/4HANA, deployment on Cloud Foundry, etc.

  • Step 4

    Select the correct file which is to tell Maven where your proxy is located:

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