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Refine the List Report with Annotations

Add additional annotations to show filter fields and columns on the list report as well as to allow the selection of data using a value help.
You will learn
  • How to add additional columns and filter fields
  • How to update the frontend application
  • How to add list report header information
  • How to define a value help as a drop-down list
  • How to define criticality ratings
jo-fiessJoachim FiessSeptember 3, 2024


Whenever your unique suffix for creating objects is needed, the object names within this tutorial are named with suffix “######”. For the screenshots, the suffix “000100” was used.
In the CDS files of your RAP-based service you can add annotations to refine the user interface. These CDS annotations will be translated into OData annotations used by SAP Fiori elements to generate the UIs. UI annotations are stored within metadata extension files to separate them from the CDS view structure for better reading.

  • Step 1

    Annotations controlling the UI can be stored in metadata extension files. In this section such a file will be created for the Travel entity and a first annotation will be added.

    Right click the ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### projection view for the Travel entity to open the context menu. Choose New Metadata Extension.

    Create new metadata extension file

    Enter the name of your metadata extension file. Choose the same name as your projection view file name ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### and enter a description as well. Choose Next.

    Create new metadata extension file

    A transport request is already assigned to the metadata extension file. Choose Finish to confirm the creation of the file.

    Create new metadata extension file

    Now open the new metadata extension file ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### within the Metadata Extensions folder. To show a first column within the list report table, add the content shown in the coding example below. You can use code completion by pressing CTRL-SPACE at the related coding positions, e.g. when adding the @UI.lineItem annotation, just type @UI and then press CTRL-SPACE to choose the entry from the list of proposals.

    @Metadata.layer: #CORE
    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
        @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 10 }]

    To finish this step, choose Save and Activate to take over the changes in your metadata extensions file.

    Create new metadata extension file

    Check your changes by refreshing of your real application preview in BAS or use the quick service preview in ADT. Choose Go to load the data.

    Create new metadata extension file

    You will now see the column Travel ID made visible on the list report table by the @UI.lineItem annotation added to the metadata extensions file. The data shown in the column is loaded from the database with the request triggered by the Go button.

    UI annotations are usually stored within the...

  • Step 2

    To see some more data on the list report you are now adding more columns to the table, and to simplify the selection of data you will add filter fields to the filter bar.

    Please open the metadata extensions file ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### located in folder Core Data Services > Metadata Extensions.

    Now add the fields with the corresponding lineItem annotations to the metadata extensions file as shown in the code fragment below. The property position controls the order of the columns within the list report table.

    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 20 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 30 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 40 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 50 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 60 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 70 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 80 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 90 }]

    As a result, after saving and activating the metadata extensions file and then refreshing the preview of your application, you will see the additional columns shown in the list report table.

    add columns to the list report

    Note: The default table type of a list report is the responsive table. If you reduce the size of your browser window, some columns will disappear and an action Show Details appears in the table toolbar (as of SAPUI5 version 1.90). If you use the property importance: #HIGH in your lineItem annotation, you can make sure that the information of the column will be shown independently of the browser window size.

    To assign specific fields to the filter bar you will use the selectionField annotation. Add this annotation to the three existing fields AgencyID, CustomerID and OverallStatus as shown in the coding example below.

    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 20 }]
    @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 10 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 30 }]
    @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 20 }]
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 80 }]
    @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 30 }]

    Again save and activate the file and refresh the application to see the changes on the UI.

    You can now filter the data loaded into the list report by specifying values for these additional selection fields.

    add selection fields to the list report
  • Step 3

    Now the list report table will be sorted by the last updated travel records and also the number of records available in the database will be made visible. To achieve this, add header information to the metadata extensions file right above the view annotation:

    @Metadata.layer: #CORE
    @UI: {
        headerInfo: {
            typeName: 'Travel',
            typeNamePlural: 'Travels'
        presentationVariant: [{
            sortOrder: [{
                by: 'LocalLastChangedAt',
                direction: #DESC
            visualizations: [{
                type: #AS_LINEITEM
    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with

    The @UI.headerInfo annotation contains information about the naming of the main entity in singular and plural format and it shows the number of records available in the database in the table title. The table title is determined by the typeNamePlural property.

    The @UI.presentationVariant annotation controls the sorting of the table by field LocalLastChangedAt via sortOrder property. The visualizations property determines that the sorting is applied to the list report table.

    Save and activate the metadata extensions file and refresh the application preview to see the result on the UI.

    add header info
  • Step 4

    Instead of showing IDs for the fields Travel ID, Agency ID and Customer ID, one would preferably show descriptions or names. Additionally, some labels of specific fields will be changed globally to make the new label accessible wherever the fields are used on the list report or object page.

    You will achieve this by using specific annotations which are implemented within the projection view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######. Therefore, open the projection view located in folder Core Data Services > Data Definitions which contains the root view definitions for the Travel entity.

    refine ids

    Add the @EndUserText and @ObjectModel annotations to the fields as shown in the coding fragments below.

    Annotation @EndUserText.label defines the column label for the related fields. @ObjectModel.text.element controls the source of the content shown for the related field. For field TravelID this will be the Description field from this view. AgencyID and CustomerID will get their content from the related field through the corresponding association.

    @EndUserText.label: 'Travel'
    @ObjectModel.text.element:  [ 'Description' ]
    @EndUserText.label: 'Agency'
    @ObjectModel.text.element: ['AgencyName']
    _Agency.Name as AgencyName,
    @EndUserText.label: 'Customer'
    @ObjectModel.text.element: ['LastName']
    _Customer.LastName as LastName,
    @EndUserText.label: 'Status'
    @EndUserText.label: 'Last Changed At'

    The semantic key for the view will be TravelID. The content of the field will be highlighted, and the draft indicator will be shown while the Travel item is being worked on.

    Add the corresponding annotation @ObjectModel.semanticKey before the definition of the view.

    @Search.searchable: true
    @ObjectModel.semanticKey: ['TravelID']
    define root view entity ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######

    After saving and activating the file and refreshing the application, you will see the changed labels and content for the fields Travel, Agency, Customer, Status and Last Changed At.

    refine ids

    Projection views contain the fields that can be shown on the UI. How can content be accessed from an entity that is defined externally?

  • Step 5

    When you choose the value help icon of the selection field Customer in the filter bar, you get a dialog which provides the option to conditionally load data by the customer ID. For better usability you would rather select customer data like name or address from a list.

    1. To implement the value help, assign the annotation @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition to the field CustomerID within the projection view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######.

      @EndUserText.label: 'Customer'
      @ObjectModel.text.element: ['LastName']
      @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: '/DMO/I_Customer', element: 'CustomerID'  } }]
      _Customer.LastName as LastName,

      The entity property name points to the data view and element contains the key for the selection.

    2. After saving, activating and refreshing your application, the field Customer provides the improved value help that allows a user-friendly selection of customer data within the Search and Select tab. You are still able to do a conditional selection by choosing the Define Conditions tab on the dialog. By entering search values such as the Last Name and choosing Go, the result is shown in the table. Selecting specific lines in the table and choosing OK will load a selected list of Travel items into the list report.

      customer value help

    Selection field Status also shows a conditional value help by default. From a user perspective it would be nice to get a list of values presented as a drop-down list, since the number of different values is very limited.

    1. In the projection view for the Travel entity ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### the annotation for the value help has to be defined for the OverallStatus field. As with the field CustomerID (see above), the annotation @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition is used with properties name and element containing the appropriate values.

      @EndUserText.label: 'Status'
      @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: 'ZI_FE_STAT_######', element: 'TravelStatusId'  } }]

      Save and activate the view.

    2. Open the CDS view for the status description ZI_FE_STAT_######. Just above the view definition, insert an @ObjectModel.resultSet.sizeCategory annotation with value #XS. This results in a drop-down list.

      @EndUserText.label: 'Travel Status view entity'
      @ObjectModel.resultSet.sizeCategory: #XS -- drop down menu for value help
      define view ZI_FE_STAT_######

      Save and activate the view.

    3. After refreshing the application the Status field is now a drop-down list. Select one or more of the available status codes and choose Go to load the filtered list.

      overall status fixed value help
  • Step 6

    The column Status currently shows the internal codes stored within OverallStatus, but instead the description for these codes should be displayed.

    Although the related association is set correctly for ZI_FE_TRAVEL_###### and descriptions are available through ZI_FE_STAT_######, the corresponding text annotation for the projection view is missing.

    1. You can check the association already available within the CDS view for the Travel entity ZI_FE_TRAVEL_###### in folder Data Definitions (line 6) and the publication of this association to make it available for projection views (line 14).

      define root view entity ZI_FE_TRAVEL_######
        as select from ZFE_ATRAV_######
        association [0..1] to /DMO/I_Agency as _Agency on $projection.AgencyID = _Agency.AgencyID
        association [0..1] to I_Currency as _Currency on $projection.CurrencyCode = _Currency.Currency
        association [0..1] to /DMO/I_Customer as _Customer on $projection.CustomerID = _Customer.CustomerID
        association [0..1] to ZI_FE_STAT_###### as _TravelStatus on $projection.OverallStatus = _TravelStatus.TravelStatusId
        composition [0..*] of ZI_FE_Booking_###### as _Booking
          key TRAVEL_UUID as TravelUUID,
    2. Now the access to the status description has to be set within the projection view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######. Add the text annotation @ObjectModel.text.element for field OverallStatus as shown below (line 2). To load the description the corresponding field from the status description view has to be accessed by the association _TravelStatus (line 5).

      @EndUserText.label: 'Status'
      @ObjectModel.text.element: ['TravelStatusText']
      @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: 'ZI_FE_STAT_######', element: 'TravelStatusId'  } }]
      _TravelStatus.TravelStatusText as TravelStatusText,

      Save and activate the view.

    3. With these settings the description is displayed in the column Status but additionally, the key is shown within parentheses. You can use the @UI.textArrangement annotation with value #TEXT_ONLY to omit the key. Open the metadata extensions file ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### and add the text arrangement annotation to the field OverallStatus (line 3).

      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 80 }]
      @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 30 }]
      @UI.textArrangement: #TEXT_ONLY

      Save and activate the metadata extensions file.

    4. After refreshing your application you will see the status description within the Status column.

      overall status text arrangement
  • Step 7

    The values of the Status field can be semantically colored to visually differentiate the meaning. This can be achieved by using the criticality property for the @UI.lineItem annotation.

    1. The criticality feature requires specific values for the different colors to be shown on the UI. Therefore, a new field OverallStatusCriticality will be defined in the CDS view ZI_FE_TRAVEL_######. This field will be filled with color codes derived from the values of the field overall_status. See the coding fragment below which shows a case structure to define the content of the new field OverallStatusCriticality within lines 5 to 10.

      description as Description,
      overall_status as OverallStatus,
      case overall_status
        when 'O'  then 2    -- 'open'       | 2: yellow colour
        when 'A'  then 3    -- 'accepted'   | 3: green colour
        when 'X'  then 1    -- 'rejected'   | 1: red colour
                  else 0    -- 'nothing'    | 0: unknown
      end                   as OverallStatusCriticality,
      @Semantics.user.createdBy: true
      created_by as CreatedBy,

      Take over the case structure into the CDS view just below the field overall_status. Save and activate the view.

    2. Adding a new field to the CDS view is a structural change which requires a recreation of the corresponding draft table ZFE_DTRAV_######. This draft table contains all the fields of the CDS view.

      You can apply a quick fix within the behavior definition file ZI_FE_TRAVEL_###### in folder Core Data Services > Behavior Definitions. Open this file in your editor and you will immediately see the error shown in the line where the draft table for the Travel entity is referenced.

      Click on the light bulb icon on the left in that line or position your cursor on the draft table file name ZFE_DTRAV_###### and press CTRL + 1. The system proposes to recreate the draft table. By double-clicking on the proposal, the recreation of the table will be started.

      overall status criticality

      As soon as the recreation is finished, you will see the draft table ZFE_DTRAV_###### loaded into the editor containing the new field OverallStatusCriticality.

      overall status criticality

      Save and activate the draft table and then also activate the behavior definition file ZI_FE_TRAVEL_###### which is still open in your editor. The error disappears as soon as the behavior definition is activated.

    3. To be able to use the new field within UI annotations you need to take it over to the projection view of the travel entity ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######. Insert the field OverallStatusCriticality just below the definition for the field OverallStatus (see line 7 in the coding fragment).

      @ObjectModel.text.element: ['TravelStatusText']
      @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: 'ZI_FE_STAT_######', element: 'TravelStatusId'  } }]
      _TravelStatus.TravelStatusText as TravelStatusText,

      Save and activate the projection view.

    4. As a last step you need to add the criticality to the metadata extensions file for the Travel entity ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######.

      This can be done by adding the property criticality with value OverallStatusCriticality to the @UI.lineItem annotation of field OverallStatus (see line 5 in the coding fragment).

      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 70 }]
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 80, criticality: 'OverallStatusCriticality' }]
      @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 30 }]
      @UI.textArrangement: #TEXT_ONLY
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 90 }]

      Save and activate the metadata extension file.

    Refresh your application and reload the data by choosing Go in the list report. Now the content of column Status is shown in different colors depending on the value of the field.

    overall status criticality

    What is the consequence if an additional field is defined within the CDS view of a draft-enabled application?

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