🔴 Devtoberfest 2024 - Integration, Week 1, Sept. 25
We hope you enjoyed the sessions for Integration Wednesday during Week 1 of Devtoberfest. Show that you were listening, and earn extra points toward the Devtoberfest grand prize.
You will learn
- A lot about technology – and yourself – during Devtoberfest
- Attend live or watch a recording of the Devtoberfest sessions in Week 1 for Integration Wednesday. Each question will include a link to the relevant session.
This tutorial is part of the Devtoberfest 2024, a celebration of and for Developers. For more information and to join the fun, see the Devtoberfest Group and join the group.

For specifics on the Devtoberfest contest and the grand prize, see this Devtoberfest 2024 Contest blog