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Connect SAP Data Intelligence Cloud to SAP Datasphere

SAP Datasphere and SAP Data Intelligence Cloud work together to provide a full data integration platform with machine learning capabilities, data discovery features and automated processing capabilities. Learn how to connect SAP Data Intelligence Cloud to SAP Datasphere in this tutorial.
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  • How to connect SAP Data Intelligence Cloud to SAP Datasphere
jmmargojmmargoMarch 13, 2023
Created by
January 6, 2023

Please note that SAP Data Warehouse Cloud has evolved into SAP Datasphere. While some screenshots in this tutorial reference SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, the content applies to SAP Datasphere.

  • Step 1

    To allow SAP Data Intelligence Cloud to connect to the database of SAP Datasphere, you need to add the external (public) IPv4 address of the client to an allowlist in SAP Datasphere.

    To do so, navigate to the Configuration screen on the bottom left of your SAP Datasphere tenant. Here, you can find the IP Allowlist tab, where you can simply click on Add and enter the IPv4 address of your system to add it to the allowlist.

    IP Allowlist

    You can find the external IP address in the Description field of the read-only connection with the id INFO_NAT_GATEWAY_IP in the Connection Management application of SAP Data Intelligence Cloud.

    IP Find

    IP NAT
  • Step 2

    SAP Data Intelligence Cloud requires that you create a connection to ingest the data and another connection to write the data back into SAP Datasphere. Essentially, you are bringing data from a Space in SAP Datasphere into SAP Data Intelligence Cloud, where you can leverage the pipe lining and automated processing capabilities, and then putting the data back into a Space in SAP Datasphere.

    This requires that you have a database user created in both your reading and writing Spaces in SAP Datasphere.

    After creating your database users, proceed with the following steps to create a connection to ingest the data in SAP Data Intelligence Cloud.

    1. On your SAP Data Intelligence Cloud home screen, click on Connection Management.

      Connection Management
    2. Click on the + icon to create a connection.

      + icon
    3. Select HANA_DB to create a connection to the SAP HANA database.

    4. Enter the credentials of the database user you have created in your reading Space, and click on Create to create the connection.


    This connection can now act as your means of reading the data.

    Simply follow the same steps but with the credentials of the database user from your writing Space to create a connection that writes the processed data back into SAP Datasphere.

  • Step 3

    With the connection now firmly established, you can create your data model in SAP Data Intelligence Cloud with the data from SAP Datasphere.

    1. Navigate to the Modeler tab from the home screen of SAP Data Intelligence Cloud.

    2. Select the Graph tab on the left, and drag the Read HANA table and Write HANA table into your view. Enter their respective database user credentials into their properties. This acts as your base of reading and writing data from and back into SAP Datasphere. Once you read the data from SAP Datasphere, you can leverage the pipe lining and automated processing capabilities, and then write the data back into a Space in SAP Datasphere using the Write HANA table function.

    3. The data model now becomes available in SAP Datasphere. Simply navigate to the Data Builder, click on New Graphical View and navigate to the sources tab, where you can find the database schema you defined for writing in SAP Data Intelligence Cloud.

      Data Builder

    Well done!

    You have completed the 3rd tutorial of this group! Now you know how to connect SAP Data Intelligence Cloud to SAP Datasphere and create data models.

    Learn in the next tutorial how to install an ODBC Driver for use with SAP Datasphere.

  • Step 4

    What does the combination of SAP Datasphere and SAP Data Intelligence Cloud provide?

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