2 - Configure the Product Details Page
- How to set up a details page
- How to set up navigation from the main page to the details page
- How to use page parameters for navigation
- You have completed the previous tutorial for the SAP Build CodeJam, Create the Product List Page.
Your app has a product list page, as well as the UI for a product details page that was already provided in the skeleton project.
In this exercise, you will enhance the Product details page by connecting to the required data and binding that data to appropriate components. You will also create the navigation so that when a user clicks on a product on the product list page, the user will be taken to the product details page and be shown the product information.
- Step 1
The product details page will show the details of a specific product, but it must have the ID of a product to display.
Therefore, you will create a Page parameter on the product details page to hold the ID. Page parameters are variables that are defined on a page and are required to be passed when navigating to that page.
In the upper-left corner, open the page selector and choose Product Details.
Click Variables.
On the left, click Page Parameters, and then click Add Parameter.
This adds a page parameter with a default name and type Text.
Rename the parameter to
. Keep the Parameter value type as Text. -
Click Save (upper right).
- Step 2
Once you know the product for which you want to retrieve its details, you will need a data variable to hold the data, just as you created for the product list page. But this time, you need a variable to hold only a single object, and not a list of objects.
Staying in the Variables area, click Data Variables.
Click Add Data Variable.
Choose Products.
IMPORTANT: Keep the name Products1.
With the new variable still selected, change the Data variable type to Single data record.
There are 3 kinds of data variable, which determines its underlying data type (list vs. object) and the inputs that are required:
Collection of data records: A list of objects. This is what was automatically selected when you created a data variable for the products in the product list page. No inputs are required.
Single data record: Just a single object. You will generally have to provide a key so SAP Build Apps knows which object to return.
New data record: Just a single object. This object is empty but contains the schema for this data resource so it can be easily bound to UI components for the user to enter their data, and to flow functions so the data resource can be updated.
Map the Id field to the page parameter productID, which will contain the desired product when navigating to this page.
To do this, click the X next to Id.
Then select Data and Variable > Page parameter > productID and click Save.
The result should look like this:
Click Save (upper right).
- Step 3
Page variables are used to store all kinds of temporary data that is used by the current page.
In this case, you will create a page variable to store the quantity of the item the user wants. This variable will be bound to an input box so the user can easily enter the quantity.
Staying in the Variables area, on the left, click Page Variables
Click Add Page Variable.
Change the name of the variable to
.Change the type to Number.
Set the Initial value to
.The result should look like this:
Click Save (upper right).
- Step 4
The product details page already contains the UI components needed to display the product details. But now you need connect the data from your data variable to the appropriate fields.
We have already done the bindings for the product fields. Feel free to examine them.
You will do the binding only for the quantity field and total text.
Click the User Interface tab.
Select the Input field - Quantity.
Under Properties, click the X next to the Value property.
For the binding, select Data and Variables > Page variable > quantity, and then click Save.
Select the Text - Total component.
Under Properties, click the ABC next to the Content property.
For the binding, select Formula and replace the formula with the following:
JavaScriptCopy"Total Cost: $" + IF(IS_NULLY(data.Products1.Price),"", FORMAT_LOCALIZED_DECIMAL(pageVars.quantity * NUMBER(data.Products1.Price), "en", 2,2) )
What does the formula do?
The formula checks if the price exists. If it doesn’t, you just print out nothing. If it exists, you convert it to a number (the API provides it as a string), then multiply it by the quantity, and then format it with 2 decimal places. Finally, you precede everything with a dollar sign.
Click Save twice.
Click Save (upper right).
- Step 5
Your details page is all set up, but there is no way to get to it. So you will set up navigation whenever anyone selects a product on the product list page.
Select Home page from the page dropdown.
Select the first copy of the Large Image List Item component.
Open the logic canvas by clicking the Add logic for Large Image List Item 1 link at the bottom of the canvas.
A logic canvas pane opens below.
The logic canvas is where you can add flow functions to perform actions in response to user actions or changes in the state of the app (like changes in the value of variables, or when a page is loaded).
There are different logic panes for each component, data variable, and page.
From the Logic Canvas area on the left, drag and drop onto the logic canvas an Open Page function in the Navigation section of flow functions.
Connect the Open page flow function to the Component tap event.
Do this by clicking on the little outgoing knob on Component tap and dragging it to the incoming knob of Open Page.
Make it look like this:
Click on the Open Page flow function.
On the right-side pane, you can configure the flow function, similar to binding for visual UI components.
Set Page to Product Details.
Notice that SAP Build Apps now recognizes that this page requires a page parameter called productID to be passed, and creates a field for you to configure.
Click on the X next to productID.
Select Data item in repeat.
SAP Build Apps knows you are in the logic canvas of a repeated UI element, so it provides the Data item in repeat binding type.
Select current > Id.
When the user will click on a product, SAP Build Apps will send the ID of that product to the Product Details page.
Click Save.
Click Save (upper right).
- Step 6
Go back to your preview page, which should update whenever you save your project.
If your session timed out, start over by doing the following:
- Click Preview.
- Click Open Web Preview.
- Click the ShoppingApp tile.
On the product list page, click Notebook Basic 18.
You should be navigated to the respective Product details page. The page should look similar to this page.
Change the quantity field. The Total Cost field should reflect the changes.
You have not set the logic for he Add to Cart button, so that will not do anything … yet.
- Step 7
Things to Ponder
What are the different types of variables?
What are the 3 types of data variables, and how do they differ in their schema and in their predefined logic?
Why do we want page parameters (in other words, why not just set up an app variable, set it, then navigate to your page)?
Each time you want to test a change, do you need to click Preview?