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Create SAP Build App to Trigger Workflow

Trigger a workflow created in SAP Build Process Automation from an app created with SAP build Apps.
You will learn
  • How to create a simple UI
  • How to create a form
  • How to stylize your UI
  • How to trigger from your app a workflow in SAP Build Process Automation
thecodesterDaniel WroblewskiNovember 5, 2024
Created by
January 25, 2023


This tutorial shows you how to use SAP Build Apps to create and stylize a simple, one-page app that triggers an SAP Build Process Automation workflow.

Specifically, the app lets the user enter sales order details and then send these to a process for approval. (In a real-world scenario, the sales order would then be created in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, but that is not part of our flow.)

Your app will look something like this:

Your app
  • Step 1

    Before you begin, we want to help you understand how apps are developed with SAP Build Apps.

    Every app is built on a UI canvas – the canvas is the background of the app. On the canvas, you drag and drop components: text fields, input boxes, toggle bars, images and many other components you want the user to interact with.


    Every component has properties, for example: the text to display, the value of the input box and so forth. You select the component and then its properties appear in the Properties pane to the right.


    Each property is bound to something, for example:

    • Static text – in the screenshot, the button component’s Label property is bound to the static text Button

    • Variable – whose value can be updated elsewhere, for example in response to user action

    • Data from an SAP backend

    • Formula

    • Output of flow function in logic

    For the property, you click the binding button …

    Binding button

    … and then select from a menu of binding types.


    Finally, for every component there are events, for example, when a user taps a button or enters data in an input box. You can capture these events and then perform an action – like display a dialog, create data in a backend, change the value of variables and much more.

    This is done on the logic canvas. Select a component (or no component if you want to capture app events), and then open the logic canvas.

    Logic canvas

    You then drag and drop flow functions and connect them to events. The flow functions are executed whenever that event occurs. And, of course, each flow function has its own properties to bind 😺.

    Flow functions
  • Step 2
    1. Go to the SAP Build lobby, and click Create.

      Create project
    2. Select Build an Application.

      Build an application

      Select SAP Build Apps.

      SAP Build Apps

      Select Web & Mobile Application.

      Select project type
    3. For the project name, enter Create Sales Order.

      For the description, enter Application to enable business users to request creation of a sales order.

      Click Create.

      Name project

      Your new project should open in a new browser tab.

      Open project
  • Step 3

    By default your new application contains a page with title and text fields. In this step, you will focus on turning this page into your app – by adding components like input boxes and buttons, and then styling them.

    This is known as creating the user interface, also known as the UI.

    Note that there are 2 tabs for this tutorial step (above).

    • With Quick Import of UI, you can skip most of the work and simply import our skeleton project. You will bypass the nitty gritty of adding and stylizing components, but you will learn how to import one SAP Build Apps project into an existing project. This way is much faster.

    • With Create from Scratch, you can create the UI yourself. This will take longer but you will learn about UI components, stylizing them, and organizing them on the page.

  • Step 4

    You need to enable SAP BTP authentication because you want to use SAP BTP destinations, and users need to be authenticated to use them.

    SAP BTP destinations are connections to backend services – each specifies the location of a backend and how the user will be authenticated. The destinations can be used by the various services within SAP BTP, including SAP Build Apps.

    SAP BTP authentication also has the benefit of requiring authentication in your app and reusing the built-in SAP BTP authentication mechanism.

    1. Go to the Auth tab.

    2. Click Enable Authentication.

    3. Select SAP BTP Authentication.

      On the confirmation popup, click OK.

    4. Click Save on the upper right corner.

  • Step 5

    When you created your process and then deployed, you also published it so it can be discoverable by SAP Build Apps. You will now tell your project to use this process.

    1. Open the Integrations tab, at the top of the page.

    2. Click Add Integration.

      Add integration
    3. Click Library.

      Open library
    4. You can see each process you (or a colleague) published, plus that process’s project name.

      Click the process you published, Order Processing.

      Select process

      If you are unable to see the process here, please ensure that Step 6 of Run the Sales Order Business Process is complete.

    5. Click Enable process.

      Enable process
    6. Click Save (upper right).

  • Step 6

    You need a place to put the values the user will enter, so that you can later pass them to the process. For this, you can create a page variable.

    1. Back on the UI canvas (click the UI Canvas tab at the top), select Variables.

    2. On the left, click Page Variables.

      If you get a big text box saying Welcome to Variables, you can read it but then you can close it by clicking the X.

      Date variable documentation
    3. Click Add Page Variable.

      Change the name of the variable to SalesOrderDetails.

      Make the variable of type Object.

      Page variable
    4. Select the id field of the page variable, and click Remove Object Property.

      Delete field
    5. Select the page variable, and under Add new property enter amount, and then press Enter or click the + icon.

      Add field

      Do this for all the needed fields:

      Name Type
      amount Number
      customer Text
      deliverydate Date text
      material Text

      Your variable should look like this, with all fields of type text:

      Page variable completed
    6. Select amount and change its type to Number.

      Select deliverydate and change its type to Date text.

      Your variable should look like this:

      Page variable completed
    7. Click Save (upper right).

  • Step 7

    We created a variable for the sales order data, but now we need to get the data entered by the user into the variable. We do this by binding the variable to UI elements, specifically, to the input boxes.

    Whenever someone types into the input box, the value is automatically copied into the variable.

    1. Go back to View so you can see the UI canvas.

    2. Click on the first input field (for Customer).

      In the Properties tab, click the X next to the Value field, and select Data and Variables > Page Variables > SalesOrderDetails > customer.

      Binding input field

      Click Save

    3. Click on the second input field (for Material).

      In the Properties tab, click the X next to the Value field, and select Data and Variables > Page Variables > SalesOrderDetails > material.

      Binding input field

      Click Save

    4. Click on the third input field (for Amount).

      In the Properties tab, click the X next to the Value field, and select Data and Variables > Page Variables > SalesOrderDetails > amount.

      Click Save

    5. Click on the fourth input field (for Delivery Date).

      In the Properties tab, click the X next to the Value field, and select Data and Variables > Page Variables > SalesOrderDetails > deliverydate.

      Click Save

    6. Click Save (upper right).

  • Step 8

    We need to set up the logic so when someone clicks the Get Approval button (an event), we send the sales order data to our SAP Build Process Automation workflow using the data resource we previously created.

    1. Click on the Get Approval button, and open the logic canvas by clicking Add logic to Button1 at the bottom right.

      Open logic canvas
    2. Drag a Trigger Process flow function onto the canvas, and connect the component tap event to it.

      Create record
    3. Click on the Trigger Process flow function and configure it in the Properties pane on the right.

      For Process, this should already be set to Order Processing, since you have only one process enabled.

      Create record binding

      For Input Parameters, click Custom object. Here you could create all kinds of separate bindings for each of the fields from our process. But we will use a formula instead to make it easier.

    Close binding UI
    Click the **X** to close the dialog.
    1. Under Input Parameters, click the binding type.

      Binding type

      Select Formula.

      Binding type

      Enter the following formula:

      {salesorderdetails: {division: "1010", material: pageVars.SalesOrderDetails.material, orderAmount: NUMBER(pageVars.SalesOrderDetails.amount), shipToParty: pageVars.SalesOrderDetails.customer, salesOrderType: "OR", shippingCountry: "Barbados", salesOrganisation: "10", distributionChannel: "1000", expectedDeliveryDate: pageVars.SalesOrderDetails.deliverydate}}

      Click Save.

    2. Drag a Toast flow function onto the canvas, and connect the top output of the Trigger process flow function to it.

    3. Click on the Toast flow function and configure it in the Properties pane on the right.

      For Toast message, click on the ABC, and then select Formula > Formula.

      Toast configure

      Erase the quotation marks, and enter the following formula:

      "Triggered process with ID: " + outputs["Trigger process"]

      Click Save.

    4. Click Save (upper right).

    To what do you add flow functions so you can indicate what happens when a user takes an action, like clicking a button?

  • Step 9
    1. Click the Launch tab, and then Open Preview Portal.

    2. Click Open web preview (left).

    3. Select your project, Select Order Trigger.

      Launch preview
    4. Enter the following values in your form:

      Field Value
      Customer Joe's Bikes
      Material HT-1000
      Amount 100000
      Delivery Date 2023-03-31
    5. Click Get Approval.

    Your process should be triggered and require approval (since the amount is 100,000 or above).

    You should see the toast message indicating the workflow was triggered, and with the process instance ID.

    Preview toast

    You can also see the results of the call in SAP Build Process Automation.

    Go to the Monitoring tab from the lobby, then under Monitor section, access the Process and Workflow Instances tile. The first one should be the one you just triggered.

    • You can see the new process instance.

    • You can see the process ID is the same as in the toast message in the app.

    • You can see the context, which is the values sent when triggering the process (4 of them, in yellow, you entered in the input fields and the others were hardcoded in the formula for the Trigger Process flow function).

    • You can also see the execution log, which shows that the process was automatically approved and stopped when it sent a notification, which needs to be acknowledged.If you expand the approval step you can see more information, including who the approval request was sent to.

    Preview in process automation

    In order to be able to use destinations – including the one for calling SAP Build Process Automation – what do you need to enable in SAP Build Apps?

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