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Create a UI Using Freestyle SAPUI5

This tutorial shows you how to create a Freestyle SAPUI5 app on top of your CAP application.
You will learn
  • How to create a Freestyle SAPUI5 app on top of your CAP application
  • How to start the application
smahatiMahati ShankarJanuary 25, 2024
Created by
June 14, 2021


  • Step 1

    What is the difference between a freestyle SAPUI5 app and the SAP Fiori elements based application that you have already built in the tutorial Create an SAP Fiori Elements-Based UI? As mentioned, both the freestyle app and the SAP Fiori elements app are based on SAPUI5.

    SAP Fiori elements app:

    • is built with SAPUI5 where most of the code resides outside your own development project in central components
    • much of its logic is controlled by metadata from your OData service
    • standard use cases available out of the box
    • there are options to adjust your application outside of the possibilities given you via metadata with the so-called “Flexible Programming Model”

    Freestyle UI5 app:

    • lives mainly in your own project - all the views and controllers are in it
    • still comes with all the features of SAPUI5 (super rich SAP Fiori compliant set of UI controls, data binding, model view controller, and so on)
    • you can do what you need to do using SAPUI5, third party, and open-source components
    • greater amount of work for standard use cases because you have to program them yourself but also greater freedom and optimization

    Fortunately, you also have a choice of several templates that get your application kick started for freestyle UI5. They copy the initial code into your project and any change necessary for the app can be done manually by you in the code.

    What is the advantage of freestyle SAPUI5 applications over SAP Fiori elements applications?

  • Step 2
    1. In VS Code, invoke the Command Palette ( ViewCommand Palette or ⇧⌘P for macOS / Ctrl + Shift + P for Windows) and choose Fiori: Open Application Generator.

      In case you get an error launching the SAP Fiori application generator, refer to the FAQ to find a solution.

    2. Choose template type Deprecated Templates and template SAP Fiori Worklist Application.

      SAPUI5 freestyle
    3. Choose Next.

    4. In the next dialog, choose Use a Local CAP Project and choose your current cpapp project.

      In case you get the error: Node module @sap/cds isn't found. Please install it and try again.

      This is an issue with the SAP Fiori application generator not finding the corresponding CAP modules, due to different repositories. This should be a temporary issue. For the meantime you can work around it by opening a command line and running the following command:

      npm install --global @sap/cds-dk --@sap:registry=

      See the CAP Troubleshooting guide for more details.

    5. Select the RiskService (Node.js) as the OData service and choose Next.

    6. On the Entity Selection screen, select the following values and choose Next.

      Entity Selection
    7. Enter mitigations as the module name and Mitigations as the application title.

    8. Enter ns as the namespace and Mitigations as the description for the application.

    9. Leave the default values for all other settings.

    10. Choose Finish to generate the application.

      Project Names Miti
  • Step 3
    1. Make sure cds watch is still running in the project root folder:

      cds watch
    2. Open the URL http://localhost:4004/.

      You now see a new HTML page.

      UI5 App
    3. Choose the /mitigations/webapp/index.html entry.

      UI5 App IDs

      As a result, you can see a list but you can only see the IDs of the mitigations both in the list view and on the detail page. This is because the freestyle template only got the information from you that the Object Collection ID is the ID property of the mitigations service. You now need to add additional SAPUI5 controls that are bound to additional properties of the mitigations service.

    4. Open the view of the work list app/mitigations/webapp/view/Worklist.view.xml and add the following code, removing the ID and tableUnitNumberColumnTitle columns and instead adding Description, Owner and Timeline columns:

              <Column id="DescriptionColumn">
                  <Text text="Description" id="DescriptionColumnTitle"/>
              <Column id="OwnerColumn">
                  <Text text="Owner" id="OwnerColumnTitle"/>
              <Column id="TimelineColumn">
                  <Text text="Timeline" id="TimelineColumnTitle"/>
                          text="{description}" />
                          text="{owner}" />
                          text="{timeline}" />
    5. Open the view of the object app/mitigations/webapp/view/Object.view.xml and also replace ID and add Description, Owner, and Timeline using SAPUI5 controls like ObjectStatus (you can copy the whole code and replace the existing code in the file):

                  <Title text="{description}" />
                  <semantic:SendEmailAction id="shareEmail" press=".onShareEmailPress"/>
                      <ObjectStatus title="Description" text="{description}"/>
                      <ObjectStatus title="Owner" text="{owner}"/>
                      <ObjectStatus title="Timeline" text="{timeline}"/>
    6. Refresh the mitigations application in your browser.

      You can now see the new content in the work list …

      SAPUI5 App List

      … as well as in the detail object page.

      SAPUI5 App Object

    The result of this tutorial can be found in the create-ui-freestyle-sapui5 branch.

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