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Customize a Proxy Interface with Runtime and Monitoring

Requires Customer/Partner License
Create a proxy interface to be able to carry out data checks and mappings as well as the monitoring and error resolution capabilities of SAP Application Interface Framework.
You will learn
  • How to create a proxy interface
  • How to implement a value mapping in SAP Application Interface Framework
  • How to create an action to call the actual application
smahatiMahati ShankarDecember 10, 2024
Created by
December 10, 2024


  • You have set up SAP Application Interface Framework
  • SAP S/4HANA 1709 or later, AIF 4.0
  • Optional: You have completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface
  • Optional: You’re familiar with a test client of your choice, like SoapUI or Postman

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and customize a proxy interface in SAP Application Interface Framework.

As a prerequisite, you first need to create a proxy service interface. Like in Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you create a proxy in the Backend Metadata Repository by leveraging the same structures as the standard demo flight booking scenario. However, we choose a different name as not to collide with the previous tutorial. After these preparatory steps, you will get started with the SAP Application Interface Framework-specific settings at step six.

If you’ve already completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip some of the steps.

  • Step 1

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    Create a package that serves as the destination for your newly created objects.

    Open your system. Go to the Object Navigator (transaction code SE80). From the drop-down menu, select Package, enter the name ZDEMO, and select Display or Create Object. If the package exists, it will be displayed. Otherwise, create it.

    Additionally, create a new function group by selecting Function Group from the drop-down menu and enter the name ZDEMO.

    Create Package

    You have successfully created a new package named ZDEMO and a new function group named ZDEMO.

  • Step 2

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    Assign a new namespace to the Backend Metadata Repository. Otherwise, skip this step.

    Run transaction Assignment Namespace Generating Application (transaction code SPXNGENAPPL). Switch to Edit mode, add a new entry, and enter or select the following details for your new namespace:

    Namespace Generation Source Metadata Repository

    Save your changes.

  • Step 3

    To create a new service interface, run the proxy editor (transaction code SPROXY_START).

    In Enterprise Services: Initial Screen, select Create with Wizard and carry out the following configuration steps:

    1. As Object Type, select Service Provider. Click Continue.
    2. As Kind of Service Provider, select Backend. Click Continue.
    3. As Name, enter FlightBooking_02_In and namespace Click Continue.
    4. For the transport options, enter your package ZDEMO, select a workbench request, and enter the prefix ZAIF_. Click Continue.
    5. Select Complete to finish the wizard.

    You can now see an overview of your service provider.

    Create Proxy
  • Step 4

    Next, add an operation and a fault message type in the proxy editor. As mentioned before, you will be using objects from a standard demo flight booking scenario.

    1. Switch to the Internal View tab. Right-click your service provider and select Add Operation. Enter the operation name PostBookings_02. With the new operation selected, switch the Pattern of the operation to Not Reliable to simplify testing.

      Add Operation
    2. Next, right-click the operation and select Set Request > Select Existing Message Type from the context menu. In the upcoming Restrict Value Range dialog, remove all filters. Enter the message type SXIDAL_FBO_REQUEST_MT in the ABAP Name search filter, and the namespace in the Namespace search filter, then press Enter. In the search result, select the found entry, and select Copy.

    3. Right-click the operation and select Add Fault > Select Existing Fault Message Type. Similar to the message type search, remove all filters. Then search for the fault message type CX_SXIDAL_TECHNICAL_PROBLEMS.

    4. Save and activate the proxy.

      Select Fault Message Type
  • Step 5

    Finally, to call the interface in SAP Application Interface Framework, you must implement the proxy class method.

    Switch to the Properties tab, double-click the implementing class ZAIF_CL_FLIGHT_BOOKING_02_IN, and then double-click the method ZAIF_II_FLIGHT_BOOKING_02_IN~POST_BOOKINGS_02. Maintain the implementation of the method by copying and pasting the following:


    method ZAIF_II_FLIGHT_BOOKING_02_IN~POST_BOOKINGS_02. /aif/cl_enabler_proxy=>process_message( is_input = input iv_exception_classname = 'CX_SXIDAL_TECHNICAL_PROBLEMS' ). endmethod.

    Save and activate the class.

  • Step 6

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    As interfaces in SAP Application Interface Framework are grouped using namespaces, you must create a namespace.

    Go to Customizing for SAP Application Interface Framework (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to Interface Development > Define Namespace.

    Select New Entries and enter the following name and description for your new namespace:

    Namespace Namespace Description
    DEMO_2 NS for AIF Proxy tutorials
    Create namespace
  • Step 7

    While still in Customizing (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST), navigate to Interface Development > Define Interfaces.

    In the upcoming dialog, enter your previously created namespace DEMO_2, and press Enter.

    Select New Entries and enter the following parameters based on your proxy class and implementation. You can double-check this information in transaction code SPROXY.

    Entering the Proxy Class Inbound automatically fills in Raw Data Structure, Record Type in Raw Structure, and Proxy Method.

    Field name Description VALUE
    Interface Name Name of the interface to be created FLBOOK2
    Interface version Version number of the interface 1
    Description Description of the interface Demo interface 2 for Proxy tutorial
    SAP Data structure Input substructure of the proxy class BAPISBONEW
    Raw Data structure Input structure of the proxy class SXIDAL_FBO_REQUEST_MT
    Record Type in Raw Structure Main component of the raw data structure FLIGHT_BOOKING_ORDER_REQUEST
    Proxy Class Inbound Name of the proxy class ZAIF_CL_FLIGHT_BOOKING_02_IN
    Proxy Method Method name of the generated proxy class POST_BOOKINGS_02
    Interface Direction Indicates the direction of the interface Inbound

    Save your changes.

  • Step 8

    Next, select the engines that handle the messages that are processed. If you create a new interface, by default, SAP Application Interface Framework handles the messages as proxy messages, so you can keep the default settings.

    To double-check the settings, go to Customizing for SAP Application Interface Framework (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to Interface Development > Additional Interface Properties > Specify Interface Engines.

    In the upcoming dialog, enter your previously created namespace DEMO_2, and press Enter. Check that the following engines are preselected for your interface:

    Parameter Value
    Application Engine Proxy
    Persistence Engine Proxy
    Selection Engine AIF Index Tables
    Logging Engine AIF Application Log
  • Step 9
    1. Go to Customizing for SAP Application Interface Framework (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to Interface Development > Define Structure Mappings.

    2. In the upcoming dialog, enter your previously created namespace DEMO_2, interface name FLBOOK2, and interface version 1. Select Continue.

    3. Select New Entries, and enter the root node of your interface structure, here SXIDAL_FBO_REQUEST.

      Select Source Structures
    4. Select the new entry and double-click Assign Destination Structure in the menu on the left.

    5. Select New Entries, and enter the Number of Structure Mapping 10. As Destination Structure, enter the structure BAPISBONEW of the BAPI you will call to post the booking.

    6. Double-click the node Define Field Mappings. Create a new entry and define the field mapping for each line of the following table:

      Field in Destination Structure Field Name 1
    7. Select Next Entry. For the Field in Destination Structure CLASS, enter the following information:

      Field Value
      Field Name 1 CLASS_CODE
      Namespace DEMO_2
      Value Mapping VM_CLASS

      Since the value mapping doesn’t exist yet, you are asked to create it. Confirm the dialog.

    8. Navigate to the reusable value mapping by double-clicking VM_CLASS and define it with the following information:

      Field Value
      Value mapping description Map class ID
      Data Element for EXT1 FLIGHT_BOOKING_CLASS
      Data Element for INT S_CLASS
      Single or Multiple Value Mapping Single
      Customizing or Master Data Master Data

      Save the value mapping and navigate back to Define Field Mappings.

    Your field mappings should look like this:

    Define Field Mappings

    Save your changes.

  • Step 10

    Next, create an action with a function to book the flights in your test scenario.

    1. In Define Structure Mappings, double-click the node Assign Actions.

      Create a new entry and enter the following details:

      Field Value
      Action Number 10
      Namespace DEMO_2
      Action FLIGHT_CREATE
    2. Since the action doesn’t exist yet, you’re asked to create it. Confirm the upcoming dialog with Yes.

    3. Navigate to the new action by double-clicking FLIGHT_CREATE.

      In Define Actions, you can maintain multiple functions for each application. In this tutorial, you only need one function calling the BAPI to create new flight bookings.

      Enter an action description and set the Commit Mode to COMMIT WORK AND WAIT and the Commit Level to After Each Function.

    4. Double-click the Define Functions node. Create a new function with Function Number 10 and Function Module Name ZFLBOOK_CREATE.

      Since the function module doesn’t exist yet, you’re asked to create it. Confirm the upcoming dialog with Yes.

    5. In the next dialog, enter your function group ZDEMO and select Copy. A new function module is created as copy of the /AIF/FILE_TEMPL_PROCESS template.

      Open the function module, switch to the Changing tab. As Associated Type of the DATA parameter, enter BAPISBONEW.

      Switch to the Source code tab and enter the following source code:


      FUNCTION zflbook_create . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(TESTRUN) TYPE C *" REFERENCE(SENDING_SYSTEM) TYPE /AIF/AIF_BUSINESS_SYSTEM_KEY *" OPTIONAL *" TABLES *" RETURN_TAB STRUCTURE BAPIRET2 *" CHANGING *" REFERENCE(DATA) TYPE BAPISBONEW *" REFERENCE(CURR_LINE) *" REFERENCE(SUCCESS) TYPE /AIF/SUCCESSFLAG *" REFERENCE(OLD_MESSAGES) TYPE /AIF/BAL_T_MSG *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: lv_bookkey TYPE bapisbokey. data-customerid = '1'. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_FLBOOKING_CREATEFROMDATA' EXPORTING reserve_only = ' ' booking_data = data IMPORTING airlineid = lv_bookkey-airlineid bookingnumber = lv_bookkey-bookingid TABLES return = return_tab. " in case of no error message, append success message IF NOT ( line_exists( return_tab[ type = 'E' ] ) OR line_exists( return_tab[ type = 'A' ] ) ). /aif/cl_appl_log_writer=>convert_msg_to_bapiret( EXPORTING iv_msgty = 'S' iv_msgid = 'ZDEMO_MESSAGE' iv_msgno = '003' iv_msgv1 = lv_bookkey-bookingid iv_msgv2 = lv_bookkey-airlineid IMPORTING et_return_tab = DATA(lt_return_tab_log) ). APPEND LINES OF lt_return_tab_log TO return_tab. " delete standard message DELETE return_tab WHERE type = 'S' AND id = 'BAPI' AND number = '000'. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
    6. Save and activate your function module.

    7. Navigate back to the action and save your changes.

    8. Navigate back to Define Structure Mappings and save your changes.

  • Step 11

    As the function module refers to a message with number 003 of message class ZDEMO_MESSAGE, you now need to enhance message class ZDEMO_MESSAGE. If you haven’t gone through Create a Simple Proxy Interface and created that message class, first create a new message class ZDEMO_MESSAGE.

    In Message Maintenance (transaction code SE91) for message class ZDEMO_MESSAGE, add a new message with number 003 and message short text Flight booking &1 created (airline &2).

    Create New Message for Message Class

    Save your changes.

  • Step 12

    In the mapping, you created a value mapping for the flight class. Before you run the scenario, maintain the value mapping table entries.

    1. In Maintenance of value mappings (transaction code /AIF/VMAP), enter namespace DEMO_2 and your value mapping name VM_CLASS. Press Enter and select Execute.

      Maintain Value Mappings
    2. Select Append and add the following two new entries:

      Index Flight Booking Codes Class
      1 1 F
      2 2 C
    3. Save your changes.

  • Step 13

    It’s recommended to implement an interface-specific single index table to ensure full flexibility, especially if you expect a high load of messages or if you plan to define key fields for your interface (now or later).

    You can also switch the single index table later, but when you do, all processed messages stored in the old single index table will no longer be visible in the Interface Monitor. The information for the newly incoming messages is stored in the new single index table of the interface.

    1. Create a table via transaction SE11. You can use table /AIF/STD_IDX_TBL as a template by entering /AIF/STD_IDX_TBL in the field Database table, right-clicking it and selecting Copy…. Enter the name ZFLBOOK_RT_IDX for the new table and select Continue. When prompted, enter the package ZDEMO, which you created earlier.

      Create Single Index Table
    2. After creating the single index table, activate it by selecting Display and then Activate.

      Activate single index table
    3. Go to Customizing (transaction /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to SAP Application Interface Framework > Error Handling > Define Namespace-Specific Features. Enter your namespace DEMO_2 and select Continue.

    4. Select New Entries to create a new entry in Define Interface-Specific Features. Enter your interface name FLBOOK2 and version 1 and enter the name of the newly created single index table ZFLBOOK_RT_IDX in the field Message Index Table.

      Define Interface-Specific Features
    5. Save your changes.

  • Step 14

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    Go to Customizing (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to SAP Application Interface Framework > Error Handling > Define Namespace-Specific Features. Enter or select your namespace DEMO_2 and select Continue.

    In the menu on the left, navigate to Define Recipients by double-clicking it. Select New Entries, enter a meaningful name for your new recipient, here ZPROXY_TEST_RECIPIENT, and add a description.

    Create Recipient

    Save your changes.

  • Step 15

    To be able to see any data in the Interface Monitor or the Message Dashboard, a recipient must be assigned to the interface you want to monitor.

    Go to Customizing (transaction code /n/AIF/CUST) and navigate to SAP Application Interface Framework > Error Handling > Define Interface-Specific Features. Enter or select your namespace DEMO_2, as well as your interface name FLBOOK2 and interface version 1. Select Continue.

    In the menu on the left, double-click Assign Recipients Without Key Fields and create a new entry. Enter or select the namespace and the recipient you created before.

    Assign Recipients Without Key Fields

    Save your changes.

  • Step 16

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    The users in charge of monitoring the proxy must be assigned to the recipient.

    Go to transaction /AIF/MYRECIPIENTS and create a new entry. Select the namespace DEMO_2 and recipient ZPROXY_TEST_RECIPIENT you created in the steps before. Check the boxes for Overview and Technical User.

    Assign User to Recipient

    Save the new entry.

  • Step 17

    If you’ve completed Create a Simple Proxy Interface, you can skip this step.

    Before you can create flight bookings, you need to generate test data.

    To do so, run transaction code BC_DATA_GEN, select the standard data record, and execute the report.

    Create Data for Flight Data Model

    Open the Data Browser (transaction code SE16), select the table SFLIGHTS, and choose Execute. The generated flight data entries are displayed.

    If you run the requests in step 19, select existing flights from this table. Ensure that the flight date is in the future, otherwise your requests will fail.

    Generated Flight Data Entries
  • Step 18

    In order to send booking requests to the proxy interface, you need to define a service and a service binding in the SOA Management.

    Open the SOA Management in your browser by running transaction code SOAMANAGER. In the tab Service Administration, select Web Service Configuration. Search for your service definition FlightBooking_02_In and click it to open its details.

    On the Configurations tab, create a new service as follows:

    1. Maintain a Service Name and a New Binding Name, then click Next.

    2. In step Provider Security, go to Authentication Settings > Authentication Method > Transport Channel Authentication and select the User ID/Password flag, then click Next.

    3. On the next screen, click Finish. A new service and binding are displayed.

    4. In the Actions column, select the Open Binding WSDL Generation icon to access the Binding WSDL URL that you may need to setup your test client. Copy it for later use.

      Define Services and Binding

      You can find the WSDL URL for binding on the bottom of the upcoming dialog.

      Binding WSDL URL

      If you open the WSDL URL for binding in your internet browser, scroll down to find the end point URL of your service interface.

      Binding WSDL URL in Browser
  • Step 19

    Use a test client of your choice to send a sample request to the proxy interface. This tutorial uses Postman.

    1. In Postman, create a new POST request, and enter the end point URL of your service interface into the address field.

    2. In the Authorization tab, enter the user credentials to log on to your backend system.

    3. In the Headers tab, enter the key content-type with value text/xml.

      Sample Request in Postman, Headers
    4. Switch to the Body tab and select raw and the type XML. Paste the XML sample request (see below) including the SOAP envelope into the Postman request body. Maintain existing flight data from table SFLIGHTS, and select Send to send the request.

      For the class code, enter 1 for first class or 2 for business class.


      <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:air=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <air:FlightBookingOrderRequest> <AgencyData> <AgencyID>109</AgencyID> <OrderNumber>1</OrderNumber> <ItemNumber>1</ItemNumber> <OrderType>Single</OrderType> </AgencyData> <FlightID> <AirlineID>LH</AirlineID> <ConnectionID>0402</ConnectionID> <FlightDate>2022-05-30</FlightDate> </FlightID> <ClassCode>1</ClassCode> <PassengerName>John</PassengerName> <PassengerBirthdate>1988-01-17</PassengerBirthdate> <!--Optional:--> <PassengerFormOfAddress></PassengerFormOfAddress> </air:FlightBookingOrderRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
    5. Send the request.

    Sample Request in Postman, Body

    You have successfully sent in a sample request you can monitor in the next step.

  • Step 20

    Finally, you should test your settings and verify that the proxy interface implementation and the monitoring are working as planned.

    1. In the SAP GUI, check the results of your test in the Interface Monitor (transaction code /n/AIF/IFMON). You’ll only be able to see the new interface if you correctly assigned your user to the recipient.

      Interface Monitor
    2. When you select the summary line for your recipient, you’re forwarded to Monitoring and Error Handling, where you can see your selected test message. It should be in status Successful with the message text confirming that the flight booking has been created. In brackets you should see the airline code that you have provided in the booking request.

      Monitoring and Error Handling
    3. Resend a test message, this time entering the value 3 for the class code.

    4. In Monitoring and Error Handling, select Refresh. You should see a new message in status Error because the value 3 doesn’t exist in the value mapping. To fix the error, select Value Mapping on top of the Log Messages window to maintain the value mapping.

      Monitoring and Error Handling, Error Fixed
    5. In the Change Value Mappings screen, insert the missing value.

      Change Value Mappings, Insert Missing Values
    6. Map the missing value 3 to the Economy Class with class code Y.

      Change Value Mappings, Mapping Values
    7. Save your changes and return to the message monitor. Here, select Restart. The message is now processed successfully.

      Error Handling, Successful Processing
  • Step 21

    Where can you define a value mapping?

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