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Use Custom Themes in the SAP BTP ABAP Environment

Learn how to integrate the Theme Designer in your SAP BTP ABAP Environment to create and use custom themes.
You will learn
  • How to integrate the Theme Designer with your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.
  • How to use the Theme Designer to create and maintain custom themes.
  • How to enable the usage of custom themes in your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.


  • You have set up the SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition
  • You have a user with the Subaccount Administrator role collection in the subaccount where you set up the SAP Launchpad Service.
  • You have access to a SAP BTP ABAP Environment in a Cloud Foundry space.
  • You are a member of the Cloud Foundry space where your SAP BTP ABAP Environment resides, and you have Space Developer role.
  • You have a user in your SAP BTP ABAP Environment with the following business catalogs: SAP_CORE_BC_SEC and SAP_CORE_BC_COM.
  • Step 1

    The UI Theme Designer is a business service integrated in the launchpad service. It can be accessed from your launchpad site, and offers an overview of the available themes.

    1. Access any launchpad site.
    2. Click on the user profile icon in the top-right corner to open the dropdown menu. Click on Theme Manager.
      Open theme manager
    3. Click on Launch Theme Designer in the bottom-left corner. In the UI Theme Designer you can see an overview of all the available custom themes, as well as create new ones.

      Overview of the custom themes

    4. The ID column shows the ID’s of the custom themes. Make a note of them, you will need these ID’s in a later step.

    For the purpose of this tutorial, one custom theme was created with ID: custome_theme_000. If you wish to use the Theme Designer to create and publish your own themes, you will need a user with the role collection Launchpad_Advanced_Theming in the subaccount where you set up the SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition.

  • Step 2

    You now need to integrate the Theme Designer with your SAP BTP ABAP Environment. For this purpose, you need to assign the correct entitlements for the UI Theme Designer service to your chosen subaccount.

    1. Open the SAP BTP cockpit of your global account.
    2. In the Account Explorer tab, open the subaccount where you have subscribed to the SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition.
    3. Open the Entitlements tab and check if the UI Theme Designer service is already assigned. If the service has not been assigned yet, click on Configure Entitlements > Add Service Plans. Search for the UI Theme Designer service, select the standard plan and click on Add 1 Service Plan.
      Add service entitlement
    4. Click on Save.
  • Step 3

    You now need to create an instance of the UI Theme Designer service in your chosen subaccount.

    1. Open the Service Marketplace tab and look for the UI Theme Designer service.
    2. Click on Create.
    3. Select the standard plan, specify the Cloud Foundry space where your SAP BTP ABAP Environment resides, and choose a name for your instance.
      Create service instance
    4. No additional parameters are needed. Click on Create.

    5. The creation of the service instance might take up to a few minutes. The newly created service instance will appear in the Instances and Subscriptions > Instances tab.
  • Step 4
    1. In the Instances and Subscriptions > Instances tab, click on the newly created UI Theme Designer service instance.
    2. In the Service Keys tab, click on Create. Choose a Service Key Name and click on Create (no additional parameters needed).
      Create service key
    3. Open the newly created service key and copy it in JSON format. You will need it in a later step.

    Copy service key in JSON format

    Once the service key is created, you can always retrieve it at a later stage if needed.

  • Step 5

    You now need to setup a communication between your SAP BTP ABAP Environment and your instance of the UI Theme Designer service.

    1. Access your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.
    2. Navigate to the Communication Arrangements Fiori app.
    3. Click on New. Choose SAP_COM_0623 as Scenario, choose a name for the arrangement and paste the previously created service key.
      Create communication arrangement
    4. Click on Create.

    A Communication System is automatically created with the name: ‘Z’ + communication arrangement name, and features the theming runtime service as the host name.

  • Step 6

    The communication scenario created in the previous step allows you to maintain both a default custom theme, as well as further additional custom themes that shall be available to business users.

    1. Navigate to the Communication Arrangements Fiori app and click on the communication arrangement created in the previous step. Click on Edit.
    2. You can now maintain the desired custom themes adding the corresponding theme ID’s in the Additional Properties section of the communication arrangement.

      Maintain custom themes

      For the scope of this tutorial, the custom theme with ID custome_theme_000 is added in the Additional Theme IDs section.

      You can add as many custom themes as you want in the Additional Theme IDs section. You can also add one custom theme ID in the Default Theme ID section, but be aware that this custom theme is then automatically applied to all users except those that have already manually chosen a different theme.

    3. After you have maintained the desired themes, click on Save.

  • Step 7

    In order to be able to correctly display custom themes, the host name of the theming service has to be trusted by your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.

    1. Navigate to the Manage Content Security Policy Fiori app.
    2. Select the Trusted Sites tab and click on the UI_RESOURCE_FONTS allowlist.
    3. Click Add, scroll down to the Managed by Customer section and click New. Input the theming runtime host name for your landscape and click Save.
      Maintain content security policy

    The theming runtime host name can be retrieved from the service key of the UI Theme Designer service instance: it is the value of the endpointruntime property.

  • Step 8

    As a business user, you can now select your desired custom theme in your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.

    1. Access your SAP BTP ABAP Environment.
    2. Click on the user profile icon in the top-right corner to open the dropdown menu. Click on Settings > Appearance.
    3. The custom theme that you added will now appear in the Theme tab. It is marked with a painter palette icon to distinguish it from the standard available themes.
      Choose the custom theme
    4. Select the desired custom theme and click on Save.

    The desired custom theme is displayed.

    WARNING: If a custom theme (currently in use) is removed from the communication arrangement the Fiori Launchpad UI will appear broken. To fix this the custom theme must be included again in the communication arrangement, or a new theme must be selected. Since navigating a broken UI is challenging, it is possible to specify a new theme directly in the URL of the launchpad site. Add the following parameter after the top level domain in the URL: ui?sap-theme=chosen_theme_ID.

  • Step 9

    Where can you select the custom themes you created?

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