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Using ODBC driver for SQL Service

Consuming CDS View Entities Using ODBC-Based Client Tools
You will learn
  • How to create a service definition and an SQL-typed service binding
  • How to create a communication scenario with object privileges
  • Install the ODBC driver on Windows
  • Create an ODBC data source
  • Open an ODBC connection in Microsoft Excel and access data
niloofar-flothkoetterNiloofar FlothkoetterFebruary 13, 2024
Created by
March 9, 2023


  • You need the standard developer authorization profile to create ABAP development objects.
  • A 64bit Excel version since the ODBC driver for ABAP is a 64bit driver.

This tutorial was written for SAP BTP ABAP Environment. However, you should also be able to use it in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Environment in the same way.

Always replace #### with your initials or group number.

You will learn how you can access CDS view entities in an ABAP system using SQL via ODBC. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard API for accessing databases.

  • Step 1

    To access CDS view entities in an ABAP system via ODBC, these entities first need to be properly exposed in the back–end system before accessing them via the ODBC driver for ABAP in an ODBC application. The ODBC application could be any client tool capable of loading an ODBC driver or it could be a program written in a program language capable of using an ODBC driver (e.g. C, C++, python, node.js, PHP). In this tutorial, we will show the Microsoft Excel use case on Windows. The ODBC driver for ABAP itself is available on Windows and Linux.

  • Step 2
    1. To install the ODBC driver for ABAP, you need to visit the SAP Support Portal

    2. After this you may need to log on and then you can search for components ODBC DRIVER FOR ABAP 1.0.

      my support
    3. Open ODBC driver for ABAP: Initial delivery and then click download icon in the next page.

    4. Now you need to choose the right option for Windows to download.

    5. Now you need to download SAPCRYPTOLIB. Click on this link

      open the COMMONCRYPTOLIB 8 and download the last version for Windows.

    6. In addition you may need to download SAPCAR on Software Center to be able to unpack the SAP files.

    7. Open Command Prompt in your windows start menu and unpack your SAP files with this command, you need to address your downloaded SAPCAR file and then choose a directory as your ODBC driver location and unpack the SAR files there.

      C:\Users\D-number\Downloads\sapcar.exe -xvf C:\Users\D-number\Downloads\Your downloaded ODBCforABAP.SAR file
      C:\Users\D-number\Downloads\sapcar.exe -xvf C:\Users\D-number\Downloads\Your downloaded SAPCRYPTOLIBP.SAR file
    8. After this, you will see at least the following files in your ODBC driver directory:

      • ODBC_driver_for_ABAP_x64u.msi
      • sapcrypto.dll
    9. Start the Windows installer file to install the ODBC driver for ABAP


      Click Next and accept the license agreement. On the next screen, you can choose Typical as installation type and complete the installation.

    10. The installed files are in <SystemDrive>:\Program Files\SAP\ODBC driver for ABAP .

      The ODBC driver is now ready to be used in ODBC data sources.

  • Step 3

    You need first to create and fill two demo tables ZORDERS and ZORDERITEMS in ADT:

    1. Open ADT and login to your ABAP System.
      If you do not have a package, create a new one like Z_PACKAGE_SQL_####.

    2. Right-click your package and choose New > Other ABAP Repository Object.

      new data definition
    3. Choose Dictionary > Database Table and click Next.

    4. Enter the following name and description:

      • Name:ZORDERS_####
      • Description: orders table

      and click Next.

    5. Select a transport request and click Next. Your created Table will be opened.

    6. To define the structure of the table copy the code below in your table definition.

        define table zorders_#### {
        key id       : abap.numc(10) not null;
        creationdate : abap.datn;
      orders table
    7. Save and activate your changes.

    8. Create another database table with following name and description:

      • Name:ZORDERITEMS_####
      • Description: order items
      second table
    9. Define the second table with this code:

        define table zorderitems_#### {
        key orderid : abap.numc(10) not null;
        key pos     : abap.int4 not null;
        item        : abap.char(100) not null;
        amount      : abap.int4 not null;
      order items table
    10. Save and activate your changes.

  • Step 4
    1. Now you need to fill your test table with some test data.

      Right-click your package and choose New > ABAP Class.

    2. Enter the following name and description:

      • Name:ZCL_FILL_ORDERS_####
      • Description: fill orders class

      Add IF_OO_ADT_CLASSRUN as an interface

      and click Next.

    3. Select a transport request and click Next.

    4. Copy the method code below in your class to fill both tables with some test data. Do not forget to replace #### with your number.


      class zcl_fill_orders_#### definition public final create public . public section. interfaces if_oo_adt_classrun . protected section. private section. endclass. class zcl_fill_orders_#### implementation. method if_oo_adt_classrun~main. data: lt_orders type table of zorders_####. delete from zorders_####. lt_orders = value #( ( id = '1' creationdate = '20210801' ) ( id = '2' creationdate = '20210802' ) ( id = '3' creationdate = '20210803' ) ). insert zorders_#### from table @lt_orders. out->write( sy-dbcnt ). data: lt_orderitems type table of zorderitems_####. delete from zorderitems_####. lt_orderitems = value #( ( orderid = '1' pos = '1' item = 'Apple' amount = '5' ) ( orderid = '1' pos = '2' item = 'Banana' amount = '5' ) ( orderid = '1' pos = '3' item = 'Orange Juice' amount = '2' ) ( orderid = '2' pos = '1' item = 'Orange' amount = '10' ) ( orderid = '2' pos = '2' item = 'Apple' amount = '5' ) ( orderid = '3' pos = '1' item = 'Bottle Water' amount = '5' ) ). insert zorderitems_#### from table @lt_orderitems. out->write( sy-dbcnt ). endmethod. endclass.
    5. Save and activate your class and press F9 to run the class and fill your tables.

      run class
    6. Go back to your tables and check them with right click each table > Open With > Data Preview

      test table
      data preview
      data preview
  • Step 5
    1. Right click on the first table and select New Data Definition

      new def
    2. Enter the following name and description:

      • Name:ZORDERSVIEW_####
      • Description: Orders

      click Next.

      new data def
    3. Select a transport request and click Next.

    4. Choose Define View Entity and click Finish

      create data def
      create data def
    5. Create another data definition entity for the second table with following name and description:

      • Name:ZORDERITEMSVIEW_####
      • Description: Order Items
      create data def
    6. Save and activate your data definitions.

  • Step 6

    Now you need a service definition and a corresponding SQL-typed service binding to define that the new CDS view entities are exposed in a SQL service.

    1. Right click one of the ZORDERSVIEW_#### and choose New Service Definition.

      service def
    2. Enter following values:

      • Name:Z_SERVICE_DEF_SQL_####
      • Description: Service Definition

      Click Next.

      create service def
    3. Select a transport request and click Finish.

    4. The created service definition will be opened. Add the second view and add alias names for both view entities.

      service def
    5. The newly created service definition can now be used in a service binding. You need a service binding of type SQL - Web API to access the objects using ODBC later.

      Right click the service definition and select New Service Binding

      service Bin
    6. Enter following values:

      • Name:ZORDERS_####
      • Description: Orders
      • Binding Type: SQL - Web API

      Click Next.

      service Bin
    7. Select a transport request and click Finish.

    8. As you will see later, the service binding name, in your case ZORDERS_####, will act as the schema name for external ODBC consumers. Do not forget to activate the service binding.

      service Bin
  • Step 7

    To access the service binding, you need a technical user in the ABAP system.
    Therefore, you will now to create a communication scenario and a communication arrangement in the SAP BTP ABAP Environment system.

    1. Right-click your package and choose New > Other ABAP Repository Object > Communication Scenario

    2. Enter following values:

      • Name:Z_COM_SCENARIO_SQL_####
      • Description: Communication Scenario for SQL test

      Click Next.

    3. Select a transport request and click Finish.

    4. your communication scenario will be opened. go to the Inbound tab.


      Since you want to use user/password authentication in your Windows Excel test case, select Basic as Supported Authentication Methods.

    5. In section Inbound Services, choose the Add… button and enter S_PRIVILEGED_SQL1 as Inbound Service ID and click Finish.

      The S_PRIVILEGED_SQL1 inbound service is a pre-configured service for the privileged access to CDS view entities, that is, no DCL is applied. (DCL stands for Data Control Language. It provides an access control mechanism to restrict the results returned by the CDS view from the database according to conditions)

    6. Now you need to add additional authorizations to enable access to your service binding. Go to the tab Authorizations. Below Authorization Objects, press the Insert button.

    7. Enter S_SQL_VIEW in Authorization Object field and click OK.

    8. Select the added authorization object and fill out the authorizations in the details:

      • SQL_SCHEMA: ZORDERS_####

      • SQL_VIEW: *


      • SQL_SCHEMA must contain the name of the service binding that you want to grant access to.
      • The value * for SQL_VIEW means that you allow access to all views in the service definition that is attached to the service binding ZORDERS.
      • Since currently only read only access is allowed, SQL_VIEWOP=SELECT is mandatory.
    9. Save your entries and press the Publish Locally button to publish it in the current development system.

  • Step 8

    The final preparation tasks in the ABAP system cannot be performed in ADT and need to be done in the administration UI of the system.

    1. Right-click your Project, open Properties. In the popup select ABAP Development and select System URL.

    2. Log in with your username and password.

    3. Open Communication System under Communication Management. Click New.

    4. Choose a name for your communication system like SQL_ACCESS_#### and click Create.

    5. In communication system, mark it as Inbound Only.

    6. Under Users for Inbound Communication choose the + button.

    7. A popup will be opened. Choose New User.

      new user
    8. Create a new user with a name and description, and choose Propose Password to get a password. Note down this user and password for later. Then click Create.

    9. In the next step click OK to create the user.


      The user is now listed in the section Users for Inbound Communication.

    10. Choose Save to finish the creation of the communication system.

      create communication
  • Step 9
    1. Go back to the administration UI and select Communication Arrangement.

    2. Select New.

    3. In the popup choose Z_COM_SCENARIO_SQL_#### in Scenario field. Change the Arrangement Name to ZRAP_CS_SQL_#### and click Create.

    4. To complete the link between communication scenario and communication system, you need to add your communication system SQL_ACCESS_####, and the system will automatically add the user SQL_USER_####. Before Saving your changes, you need to note down the service URL, https://<hostname>/sap/bc/sql/sql1/sap/S_PRIVILEGED.

  • Step 10
    1. Launch the Windows ODBC data source administrator tool from your Windows Start. The ODBC Data Sources (64bit) tool is part of a standard Windows installation.

    2. In this tool, you can create ODBC data sources and assign a data source name (DSN) to a newly created data source. Either choose the User DSN or System DSN tab, choose Add,.

    3. Choose the ODBC driver for ABAP as ODBC driver. Choose Finish.

    4. This will start the DSN setup dialog of the ODBC driver for ABAP.


      In this dialog, choose a DSN and fill in a few driver-specific parameters as following:

      Code Explanation
      Data Source Name SQLTEST_####
      Hostname The first part of the service URL that you saved from your communication arrangement
      Port Number 443
      Client 100
      User Type alias
      Language: EN
      Service Path The second part of the service URL that you saved from your communication arrangement /sap/bc/sql/sql1/sap/S_PRIVILEGED
      Type Mapping semantic
      Crypto Library Full file name incl. path of the SAP Cryptographic Library \sapcrypto.dll (Windows)
      Additional Attributes TrustAll={true};

      Then click OK.

  • Step 11

    After creating a DSN, you can use this in an ODBC client tool of your choice. For simplicity reasons, we have chosen Microsoft Excel as an example for this tutorial.

    1. Start Excel and got to Data > Get Data > From Other Sources > From ODBC

    2. In the following popup, enter your newly defined DSN and click OK.

    3. In the Database section, Excel will now ask for the user and password to log on to the ABAP system. You need to use the user and password that you noted down when creating the communication system. Click Connect

    4. The navigator shows all exposed objects in your SQL schema ZOrders. You can choose one of the CDS entities and Excel will show a preview of the data content.

    5. Choose either LOAD to load the data into an Excel sheet or you can choose TRANSFORM DATA to switch to the power query tool. When you load the data into an Excel sheet, you can always refresh the data if needed.

    6. As a last step, you can see that it is possible to execute a free style SQL query on the exposed entities.

      Choose Data > Get Data > From Other Sources > From ODBC again in Excel, select your DSN and then click Advanced Options. A new control is opened that allows you to enter a SELECT statement directly. In the SELECT statement, you must prefix all view names by your schema name ZOrders_####. Apart from this, you can use ANSI-like SQL syntax.

      SQL statement
      SELECT OI.Item , SUM( OI.Amount )
      FROM ZOrders_####.Orders O
      INNER JOIN ZOrders_####.Orderitems OI
      ON O.Id = OI.OrderId
    7. Click OK. The result set will directly show up in an Excel preview window.

  • Step 12

    Can you access all data on the backend via ODBC in Excel?

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